John Bolton Calls for Total War Against Russia, Bombing Infrastructure

John Bolton is basically a troll, pushing the Overton Window, creating new forms of acceptable speech.

I mean, he would probably do all this stuff if he had power, but I don’t think he expects the government to start openly bombing Russian infrastructure.

He’s going to have to settle for the US bombing Russian infrastructure and then blaming a pro-Ukrainian group called “Pro-Ukrainian Group.”


Russian intimidation has prevented NATO members from giving Ukraine the weapons it needs and allowing it attack any targets it wants – including key European infrastructure – US arch-hawk John Bolton has claimed. This must change, he has insisted, in an oped urging President Joe Biden to change his policies.

“[Russian President] Vladimir Putin has masterfully deterred NATO from responding robustly enough to end the conflict promptly and victoriously. Time to solve this problem is growing short,” Bolton wrote in an opinion piece published by the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday.

The former national security adviser to President Donald Trump blamed Biden for failing to aim for “ambiguous goals” and claimed his “fear of Russian escalation” had led to a military gridlock in Ukraine. The current president “barely tried” to prevent the Russian military operation, Bolton argued, before criticizing the reported limitations imposed by Washington in terms of which targets Kiev can attack with the weapons it gets from the West.

“NATO pressures Ukraine not to strike inside Russia, and to spare key assets like Nord Stream, whereas the Kremlin can strike anywhere within Ukraine,” he wrote.

It’s funny because the US didn’t spare Nord Stream.

Nord Stream comprises two undersea gas pipelines, which were built to deliver Russian natural gas directly to Germany. They were blown up in September.

Bolton mentioned claims in the Western press, which said US intelligence suspected that a “pro-Ukrainian group” not connected with any government had carried out the sophisticated operation. Even if Kiev ordered the attack, he said, it should not impact the level of support it gets.

According to Bolton, debates in NATO on whether to deliver longer-range ATACMS missiles or F-16 fighter jets to Kiev “reflect a disjointed strategy” and harm Ukraine’s war effort. He said it was clear to him that “fears of Russian escalation are unwarranted.”

It’s not actually disjointed, and he understands that. The strategy is to slowly make the war more acceptable in the minds of the public – particularly in Europe, because they are more concerned about things. Americans honestly don’t even care about anything, and most of them wouldn’t know what has been sent to the Ukraine so far.

Of course, the other element here is that there appears to be a winding down of the war so these people can focus their guns on China. The sending of the tanks turned out to be basically much ado about nothing – it was a very small number of tanks and most of them haven’t even been sent yet. Not really a game-changer.

It seems unlikely they are going to escalate to jets. There is no objective in the country anymore, now that it is clear Russia is not going to collapse, and given the drive for a war with China, precious resources and morale are being burned for nothing.