Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 22, 2020

This is the story of how you can make a joke on the internet and end up in federal prison for planning a bioterrorism attack.
White supremacists discussed plans to weaponize coronavirus via “saliva,” a “spray bottle” or “laced items,” according to a weekly intelligence brief distributed by a federal law enforcement division on Feb. 17.
Federal investigators appeared to be monitoring the white nationalists’ communications on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app that has become popular with neo-Nazis. In the conversations, the white supremacists suggested targeting law enforcement agents and “nonwhite” people with attacks designed to infect them with the coronavirus.
“Violent extremists continue to make bioterrorism a popular topic among themselves,” reads the intelligence brief written by the Federal Protective Service, which covered the week of Feb. 17-24. “White Racially Motivated Violent Extremists have recently commented on the coronavirus stating that it is an ‘OBLIGATION’ to spread it should any of them contract the virus.”
The Federal Protective Service, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, is a law enforcement agency responsible for protecting buildings owned or leased by the federal government.
The intelligence brief, marked for official use only, noted the white supremacists “suggested targeting … law enforcement and minority communities, with some mention of public places in general.” According to the document, the extremists discussed a number of methods for coronavirus attacks, such spending time in public with perceived enemies, leaving “saliva on door handles” at local FBI offices, spitting on elevator buttons and spreading coronavirus germs in “nonwhite neighborhoods.”
You might have been making a joke, but the joke is no joke to the Joke Police.
You could literally make a joke and end up charged with planning bioterrorism.

Seriously, that might actually happen. They did write this report. And they know who these people are.
Because despite the fact that Telegram is constantly referred to as an “encrypted” app, it isn’t actually encrypted. You have the option of doing 1-on-1 encrypted chats in the app. No group chats are encrypted, and regular chats are not encrypted by default.
I don’t know if journalists keep reporting that it is an “encrypted” app because they are stupid, or if they want stupid or uninformed political dissidents to read this and think it’s true. It could also be both.
Anyway, the only legitimate encrypted app is Signal, and I still wouldn’t ever make any jokes on that app that you don’t want to find in an FBI terrorism report.
Here’s the full two pages.
Yes, they are now referring to you as WRMVEs (White Racially Motivated Violent Extremists) because of jokes you made.
There is no way for anyone to overestimate the relevance of what is happening right now in terms of classifying white people as terrorists.
Note that they mention “SIEGE” in the document. And of course, we have covered extensively the fact that the main group promoting SIEGE, Atomwaffen/”The Base,” is run by a “former” CIA agent who is still in possession of a CAGE code.
So they are going to use their own fake terrorists to set up a situation where people making jokes can get sent to federal prison for jokes that are too edgy.

I know I warn you all of this basically daily, but you apparently need the warnings at least that often.
Stop making edgy jokes.
And don’t use me as an excuse like “oh but Anglin, you also make edgy jokes tho.”
I know what the hell I’m doing here with these jokes, kid.
I’m not going to get swooped by the Joke Police.