Jussie Should Have Pled Insanity (He’s Still More Believable and Sympathetic Than Anthony Fauci)

This Jussie Smollett trial is the wackiest thing yet.

Of course, it’s not the wackiest thing yet. It’s not as wacky as coronavirus or global warming. Jussie Smollett is more believable and sympathetic than Anthony Fauci.

But still – this is just nuts. He’s saying that the Nigerian body builders that he hired to fake the attack really did the attack and he was a victim. This is after the signed check that he wrote them – paying them to fake the attack.

He could have just said “you know man, I was going through a lot in my life, my career wasn’t going well, I had family problems, I have substance abuse problems and I’m gay – I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused, and I ask forgiveness from the people of Chicago and others I’ve hurt.”

But nope! Took the stand in his own defense and said it was all real! The revelations from the testimony really do almost make you feel bad for him. What even is this?

This is what happens when you mix the Jewish propensity for falsehood with black stupidity (Smollett is literally half black and half Jewish).

New York Post:

Former “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett testified in his own defense Monday on day five of his criminal trial on charges he faked a hate crime in 2019 to get attention and then lied to police about it. 

Smollett, 39, is facing six felony counts of lying to police and could be slapped with a sentence of up to three years behind bars if he’s convicted. Under oath, he maintained his innocence Monday and testified “there was no hoax” and the hate crime he suffered was real and carried out by brothers Abimbola and Olabinjo Osundairo.


These Nigerians – his personal trainers, at least one of which he had gay sex with – really were white supremacist MAGA country hate attackers!


He said he took the noose off – after the Nigerians put it on him – but then put it back on before calling the cops.

He also said he only called the cops because his agent told him to, because – apparently – he was afraid the cops would finish the job.

He thought the CPD would be like “you’ve already got a noose around your neck boy, now let’s go find us a tree!”

The actor testified “he would’ve never called the police” after the incident because as a “black man in America, I don’t trust police.” 

He also said as an ambitious actor, he hesitated over how it could impact his career.

“I want to play a boxer, I want to play a superhero, I want to blow stuff up” Smollett testified. “The moment I got beat I became a f—-t who got his ass whooped.”

He also said that he called Don Lemon, who tipped him off the cops didn’t believe his story. Lemon I guess did believe it, like the rest of the Democrat Party.

He also explained his anal relations with one of the MAGA country Nigerians. The Nigerian denies it.

Abimbola Osundairo, who alleges the actor paid him to “fake beat him up,” had a sexual relationship with Smollett, he testified. The actor said the two did drugs together, made out and masturbated each other at a gay bathhouse in Chicago’s Boystown neighborhood. Last week, Osundairo said under oath that he is heterosexual and did not masturbate with Jussie at the bathhouse, but did admit he had gone to the location with him on at least one occasion. 

To be fair to Jussie, Osundairo does not look like a heterosexual.

But he doesn’t look much like a MAGA country white supremacist either.

I’ve read several articles other than the NYP one I’ve quoted from, and I can’t find that he said anything about what he thought the motivations of the Nigerians were, if not the check he wrote them, which has been entered into the court record by the prosecutor. I mean, I guess he’s sticking to the story that they are white supremacist Trump supporters?

It is really and truly a tragedy that this is not being filmed and shown on TV. The Jewish media made certain that everyone got to see poor Kyle break down in tears, but we can’t watch Jussie explain his side of this story?

Not fair.

By the way, some of these mashups from the interviews are good.

Did you remember that he said “fear mongrels”?

That would be a good bad name, I think.

After this latest War on Drugs album, which came after that Kurt Vile album, I have started feeling like I might be the only person left on earth who can name indie rock, and I may just have to put out an album. I’ve pretty much just decided right now that I’m going with “The Fear Mongrels.”

Seriously, what the hell is Adam Granduciel even doing? Is this supposed to be an overproduced radio album? Is he trying to be the next Interpol? Because Interpol got popular by not overproducing their albums, and then went downhill after they hired a 1,000-man mixing team.

This live version of four of the songs that got posted on YouTube is six million times better than the album versions.

It’s still not remotely good. I mean, I’d bob my head if I saw this at a dive bar in Cleveland in 2003. But I wouldn’t buy the record. I mean, the band are very good when their performances aren’t mutilated by a cruel Jewish studio. They’ve been betrayed. The composition is phoned in from a payphone – and it should have been done anonymously.

Kurt at least has the excuse he was trying to do something interesting and it just flopped.

The Fear Mongrels will make no such mistakes. We’re going back to basics. We’re bringing indie rock back where it belongs: the thing that people talk about in front of ultra-fashionable women with short dark hair and dark makeup to show social status.

Two-thousands and three, baby.

I just want to repeat: I do believe that Jussie Smollett is more credible than Anthony Fauci, and I would support replacing Fauci with Smollett as head of the NIAID.