Kanye Appears at Candace Owens Premiere, Meets with Right-Wing Celebrities, Refuses to Back Down

Kanye West appeared on Wednesday at a premiere of Candace Owens’ film, “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM,” about how Black Lives Matter was a complete scam.

At the Nashville event, Kanye mingled with several right-wing celebrities. It was great to see that these people were not shunning him for going Death Con 3 on the Jews.

Along with Owens, he spoke with Kid Rock.

The event, bizarrely, was put on by The Daily Wire, which is majority-owned by the mega-kike Ben Shapiro. Shapiro must be ready to have an aneurysm as he tries to balance out the money that Candace is bringing in through her alliance with Kanye and the fact that Kanye went Death Con 3 on his ratlike race. I suspect Shapiro was waiting for this film to premiere so he can get that money, then he will let Candace go and rob her on the way out. That said, he’s going to have to be very Jewish in his dealings, because Kanye – who is Candace’s new BFF – has the ability to completely blow up his spot.

I really hope that one of the upshots of this is that Ben Shapiro gets very badly burned. I hate him as much as anyone on the earth.

No one likes him. The only reason he’s involved in the right wing at all is that he’s Jewish – that is to say, he’s got unlimited connections and he’s good with accounting. No one wants to see his rat face or listen to his annoying, naggy voice.

Along with mainstream celebrities, Kanye also spoke to Bryson Gray, who is a conservative rapper and a representative of the internet right.

Bryson is friends with right-wing streamer Nick Fuentes, who is a big Kanye fan. With cozy.tv, Nick currently has the infrastructure set up to give Kanye an outlet to speak openly, so Ye really needs to get in contact to bypass the silencing that is happening to him.

It’s pretty obvious that Kanye is either reading this website, listening to Nick Fuentes, or both. It’s clear he’s influenced by black anti-Semites like Ice Cube and Louis Farrakhan, but frankly, some of the language he is using is too similar to our language for it to be a coincidence. For example, I coined the phrase “Death Con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE” in 2017. No, I’m just joking – that’s all him. But people who follow this stuff can pick up on cues, and see that Kanye is tapped in and smelling what we’ve got cooking.

When Kanye was leaving Candace’s event, he spoke to the New York Post, and doubled down on the anti-Semitism.

He said: “To call someone out on bad business, that means you’re being ‘anti-Semitic,’ so… I feel happy to have crossed that line so we can speak openly.”

His statements were interrupted by a loud truck, and he said he would follow up later.

By the way, I think we should note: the media keeps using this same picture of Kanye where he looks stupid:

For those who don’t know, Kanye was in a car crash that smashed up his jaw, so he sometimes wears a retainer/guard thing in his mouth. However, they don’t tell you that, and they just post this image as if to say “look – he’s a slack-jawed nigger.”

He shaved and looked totally normal at the Candace event, but they’re still using that goofy picture from over a week ago.

This is the sort of thing the Jew media does. Everything is some kind of subliminal message designed to undermine their enemies.

There’s Much More to Come, Boys – I Can Feel It

This was Kanye before the Jews really came at him:

Here’s Kanye by the year’s end:

By the Way

You people might be interested to know that Rolling Stone – a fake magazine – is talking about us supporting Kanye West. They’re calling me a White Supremacist and a neo-Nazi and then talking about how much I love Kanye.

How does it make sense? If I’m a White Supremacist neo-Nazi, why do I love Kanye this much?

Oh, maybe because I’m not a neo-Nazi, and that word doesn’t even mean anything, and is basically the same thing as calling a black person a “nigger.” I’ve made my issues with the various races very clear, and I’ve made clear that my problem is with their behavior – nothing else. I judge Kanye by his behavior, just like I judge the Jews by their behavior. It’s not more complicated than that, and claiming that I must be constantly smeared with some stupid label is straight up dirty dogging.

These Jews will always blackball you, they will always dirty-dog you. That’s one of many reasons people do not like the Jews.

These Jews just call you names. They don’t actually engage with what you’re saying. I know what Kanye is going through because I’ve been all the way through it. I am an extremely popular comedy writer and political commentator, and these Jews hounded me and ruined my life because I questioned them.

These Jews just outright say: “if you say anything at all about us, we will destroy your life – both out of sadistic vindictiveness and out of a desire to ensure no one else asks any questions.”

The thing I said that Rolling Stone quoted is 100% true – they will indeed Jew you to death. Rolling Stone didn’t comment on that, they just quoted it in that “wow, just wow” manner. But Kanye just had his entire banking shut down, and he’s going to have a hell of a time getting a new bank. How does that not qualify as “Jewing you to death”? How is he supposed to run his business if he can’t use banks?

Why doesn’t Rolling Stone go ahead and explain why it is that Jews control everything and have this unbelievable power to destroy people’s lives? Then, after that, explain why it is good, and why we should tolerate it. At this point, no serious person can say that Jews don’t control everything. Anyone who tries to deny that just looks like a weasel and a shill. Right now, we’re at the point where we need to start talking about what it means that Jews control everything, and why we should allow this.