Kenya: Chinese Restaurant Owner Arrested Over “No Blacks” Policy

Daily Stormer
March 25, 2015

A typical Chinaman.
A typical Chinaman.

Chinese people really hate Blacks. I mean, a “no Blacks” policy in Africa in hardcore.

The Guardian:

The owner of a Chinese restaurant in Nairobi that operated a “no Africans” policy has been arrested after media reports about the establishment triggered an outcry on social media.

Zhao Yang was charged with operating a restaurant without a valid licence only hours after the Daily Nation, Kenya’s biggest newspaper, published a front-page story about the restaurant.

Co-owner Esther Zhao told the newspaper that Africans posed a security risk and needed to be kept out after 5pm. “We don’t admit Africans that we don’t know because you never know who is al-Shabaab and who isn’t,” she said, referring to the Somali-based terror group blamed for a number of attacks in Kenya in recent years.

“It is not like it is written on somebody’s face that they are a thug armed with a gun.”

Staff were quoted saying the restaurant’s security detail were under strict instruction not to let in any Africans in the evening, although one or two “loyal customers” were allowed.

The story triggered outrage across the internet. Under the hashtag #noblacksallowed, Twitter users called for the restaurant to be shut down.

Like most countries on the continent, there has been an extraordinary rise in Chinese economic engagement in Kenya over the past decade. Trade volumes have grown from $186.37m (£125m) in 2002 to $3.27bn in 2013, and the growing number of Chinese migrants has been accompanied by the mushrooming of numerous Chinese-operated restaurants and hotels.

Chinese are just like Jews, except they don’t try and force weird social-engineering on you. Which is really the biggest of the two problems with Jews, isn’t it?