Key to Stopping Obesity Epidemic: Stop Fat Shaming

Daily Stormer
February 11, 2017

By the way, you might not want to look at the above image if you’ve just eaten.

Is there no limit to how much these fatsos are willing to justify their disgusting appearance with appeals using psycho babble and pseudo science?

All of it basically boils down to “don’t bully plz.”

Well, I’ve got some bad news for you sacks of lard.

Bullying has already been scientifically proven to work 100% of the time.

Fat shaming – the process of insulting, bullying or stigmatizing a person for their weight — is an American pastime.

That’s an outrageous lie.

If fatties were being thoroughly bullied, then there wouldn’t be any fatties left, would there?

“[Weight stigma] remains a socially acceptable form of prejudice in American society, and is rarely challenged,” the Obesity Action Coalition states on its website. So much in American culture — rhetoric, entertainment and media — insists fat people are inferior. And, surprising or not, people who are overweight or obese are treated as inferior by the law. It’s legal to discriminate based on someone’s weight in every state except Michigan, suggesting that a person’s weight can determine their value in the boardroom.

Newsflash: fat people are inferior. They can’t run as fast, they can’t jump, they can’t walk very far, they get sick more often… The list goes on and on. All other things being equal, a person of normal weight is objectively better.

Sorry if that hurts your feelings.

Well, actually, I’m not sorry.

Seemingly well intentioned instances of fat shaming — like discouraging someone from eating dessert or telling them they need to be more active — are socially acceptable because they’re framed as concern for someone’s health. But in a sick twist, fat shaming is proven to be counterproductive. The language we use to talk about weight and the assumptions we make based on a person’s size can contribute to more weight gain and less self care, like seeking medical attention. Here are a few insidious ways fat shaming thwarts Americans’ best efforts to be healthy:

Fat shaming can spike stress hormones that can increase weight gain.

Fat people don’t need less stress. They need more.

For example, the stress of being chased by a pack of wild dogs for a few weeks is 100% certain to make anyone lose weight.

(If they survive.)

This practice is better known as the “wild dog diet plan.”

Shame stems from the insinuation that overweight people lack control, but losing weight isn’t as simple as having willpower.

No, it’s as simple as not stuffing your face with Twinkies and cola all day.

Look, not everyone can have the discipline to avoid eating metric tons of junk food every day. I understand that. I’m not heartless. This is why I’m so adamant in promoting a time-proven system of social collaboration to help people curb their bad habits. That system is called bullying.

Look, the ancient Spartans understood this. They made laws making it illegal to eat in non-public places, and also forced both men and women to strip naked and exercise publicly on a regular basis.

How many fatasses do you think they had in their society?

Even doctors are prejudiced, which can be harmful to their overweight patients.

These lunatics are even whining that doctors are telling their patients to improve their lifestyle choices.

The next step after this will be a campaign to stop “cancer-shaming” or “heart-disease” shaming.

This scourge of obesity will continue until the state implements a solid bullying-based program to curb it. And also, I guess, start regulating the processed crap that’s being sold to the people as food.