Kiev Says They Will Only Do Peace Talks After They Destroy the Russian Military

Dmitry Kuleba

I’m so tired of talking about this.


Peace negotiations with Moscow will make sense only after Russia’s defeat on the battlefield, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has declared.

In an interview with Forbes Ukraine published on Monday, Kuleba named Russia’s “aggressive behavior” as a reason for the absence of peace talks, arguing that any negotiations “are directly linked to the situation at the front.”

“I tell all partners a simple thing: ‘Russia should sit down at the negotiating table after defeat on the battlefield. Otherwise, it will be the language of ultimatums again,’” Kuleba explained.

He stressed that President Zelensky does not rule out “the possibility of negotiations” but believes that “there is no reason” for talks now.

“He communicated this very clearly to the leaders of the countries who had hinted at negotiations. These leaders have also stopped talking about it,” Kuleba said.

Yeah, the EU has given up on trying to reason with the Zelensky regime, for sure. Instead they’re talking about removing sanctions from Russia.

I’m not even going to go into the fact that Kiev has done nothing but lose for five months straight, or the fact that Kiev taking back territory from Russia would be much harder than it was for Russia to take it in the first place, or that this is just all totally ridiculous.

Saying these things for the morbillionth time is just personally humiliating to me at this point.

So here’s what I’m going to say: what would be the point of a peace talk if the Ukraine had already destroyed the Russian army and driven the Russians out of their supposed territories?

What would there be to talk about at that point?

Obviously, nothing.

The only reason for saying this is to get headlines in the papers that say “Kiev is open to talks under certain conditions,” which ostensibly will make these lunatic women who support this war against Russia think that Kiev is less deranged than they actually are.

The current position of the Zelensky regime is that there will not be any peace talks, ever, and that he is fine with killing every white Slavic male in the country by shoving them into the Russian war machine. He literally does not care how many people die, or if they all die, and doesn’t care that it is obviously totally impossible for the Ukraine military to take back any territory at all from Russia, no matter how many weapons they get from the US, because they don’t have a functioning military.

It is truly amazing that the people of the West are willing to suffer so severely in the name of something that does not make any sense at all, and that you could easily explain to a child as being nonsensical.

We need to get women out of politics.