Girl K-Pop is great.
The problem is, male-led K-Pop turns men faggoty. Girls get into faggoty men and then men want to become faggoty to get girls. This is a vicious cycle.
Kim Jong Un is cracking down on DPRK-pop fans.
Amid increasing cultural influence from South Korea, the 37-year-old North Korean leader is imposing harsher penalties on citizens caught listening to “perverse” K-pop music.
The secretive anti-K-pop campaign came to light through internal documents smuggled out of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) by the Seoul-based news source Daily NK, the New York Times first reported Friday. These were then made public by South Korean legislators.
The newly slimmed-down DPRK despot had dubbed the southern cultural imports a “vicious cancer” corrupting North Korean youths’ “attire, hairstyles, speeches, behaviors” à la the dancing in the ’80s movie “Footloose” — but with a much darker bent.
In an apparent bid to launch his own brand of cancel culture, Kim introduced new laws in December stipulating that anyone caught watching or possessing South Korean content could be sentenced to up to 15 years of hard labor. The previous maximum punishment for fans of popular acts such as BTS was five years.
If that wasn’t harsh enough, K-pop smugglers could even face execution while those caught singing, speaking or writing in a “South Korean style” could be sentenced to two years at a work camp, per the smuggled documents.
This past May, a citizen was killed via firing squad for hawking bootleg South Korean music and other entertainment.
South Korean entertainment has long been smuggled across the DPRK border, initially in cassette form and eventually as flash drives from China. However, the “Hermit Kingdom” honcho has ramped up the the anti-capitalist rhetoric in recent months as he sees his nation become increasingly susceptible to the cultural stylings from the south, the Daily Mail reported.
Meanwhile, in February, Kim — whose family has ruled the country for three generations — ordered the nation’s provinces, cities and counties to clamp down on increasing capitalist influence.
North Korean state media even warned that the popular music genre could make the nation “crumble like a damp wall” if something isn’t done.
It’s true.
When it comes to MALE K-Pop.
The world needs female K-Pop to keep women slim, attractive, feminine and virginal.
But we do not need the new rap-based female K-Pop that is Nikki Minaj tier, and we do not need gay male K-Pop.
This is clearly what Kim means.
He doesn’t want to crack down on the K-Pop we need.
North Korean K-Pop is girl K-Pop and it’s fine. Beats are not great, but the aesthetics are on point.
But see, they have the men on the side in military uniforms with violins looking alpha.
In Kazakhstan, when they introduced male K-Pop style music, the men rioted and said it was a conspiracy to turn men gay.
Men should focus on playing real instruments and composing real music. Girls, however, should dance around and look cute.
K-Pop needs to be used more to humiliate white women, who are beastly monsters.
The girls from Twice are in their thirties now and look better than beastly white teenage girls.
White women deserve to be beaten and raped.
The problem is: they are so disgusting that no one wants to even touch them with a closed fist, let alone stick their Aryan wang in the disgusting stinking fat-hole.
A white woman’s vagina is even sweatier, stinkier and dirtier than the space between her rolls of fat.
South Korea has feminine women, but also feminine men.
But that can be fixed.
I don’t know if masculine white women can be fixed, and they may have to be replaced with artificial wombs.
Or, we can import Asian women and artificially inseminate them with pure Aryan eggs.
We’ll figure it out.
The deadly vaxx is going to wipe out a lot of the scum, and clear things up for us.