Kuwait Summons US Ambassador for Promoting Faggotry in Their Country

We keep telling you people: the entire purpose of the US military is to force everyone to have gay sex.

Once everyone is having gay sex, all world cultures will stop existing, and then every place on earth will be defined by Marvel and Star Wars, and no one will have the ability to resist anything ever again.

Deutsche Welle:

The Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry said Friday it had summoned the top diplomat at the US Embassy to object to social media posts on Twitter and Instagram in “support of homosexuality.”

On June 1, the embassy posted a picture of an LGBTQ flag, known as the progress flag, and quoted US President Joe Biden, “All human beings should be treated with respect and dignity and should be able to live without fear no matter who they are or whom they love.”

How have Kuwait and Kuwaitis reacted?In a statement, the ministry said it had summoned US charge d’affaires James Holtsnider on Thursday over “social media references and tweets supporting homosexuality.”

The ministry said Holtsnider had received a memo “confirming Kuwait’s rejection of what was published and stressing the need for the embassy to respect the laws and regulations in force in Kuwait.”

Kuwaitis reacted on social media to the embassy’s posts with outrage, suggesting the pro-gay message was in conflict with the Muslim beliefs of the majority of the people.

Holtsnider has been the top diplomat at the US Embassy in Kuwait City following the April departure of Ambassador Alina Romanowski at the conclusion of her tenure.

Kuwait legally bans homosexuality, as do several other Muslim countries.

I’m sick of this “white supremacy” gibberish.

Here’s the deal: as long as you have child tranny indoctrination in your country, you are not supreme over anyone.

You are the lowest type of creature on earth, lower than any animal, and you literally have nothing at all to gloat about.

I see these white memes like “hur dur, we landed on the Moon while niggers lived in huts.” Well, firstly, you didn’t land on the Moon – that is an obvious hoax. Secondly, even if you did, it wouldn’t make up for the fact that every elementary school in your country is indoctrinating children into homosexuality and trannyism.

Only white countries are doing this. Not one brown country is doing child gay sex indoctrination in school, and the overwhelming majority of nonwhite countries are opposing any form of homosex at all.

White racial supremacy is officially suspended until something is done about this gay shit.