Large Pack of Monkeys Aged 13-14 Attack Human Outside the Washington Hilton

These people are your equal, goyim.

Sure they look like monkeys, sound like monkeys and attack in packs like monkeys, but make no mistake about it – they’re humans just like you and me.

NBC Washington:

A group of teenagers attacked a man outside the Washington Hilton Hotel earlier this month, D.C. police said.

A witness said he and the man were walking toward the hotel about 1 a.m. July 14 when someone in a group of teens pointed at the man and screamed, “That’s him,” according to the police report.

After a brief exchange of words, the man was attacked by about 10 girls and boys believed to be 13-14 years old, according to the police report.

Surveillance video shows one of the boys initiate the assault with a punch that caused the man to stagger and back up before the rest of the group joined in. As the group begins to disperse, a couple of people are seen in the video kicking and stomping on the man while he was down.

The man suffered head injuries and a left eye socket injury.

The (white-looking) victim.