Liberals Claiming Black Violence is a Racist Urban Myth

Daily Beast, Slate, Think Progress, and other far-left news site all published articles claiming that black racial mob violence is a myth.

Kyle Rogers
November 27, 2013

It's all in your mind, White man.  Or maybe these people are all crisis actors.  What we know for sure is that black people are not violent.
It’s all in your mind, White man. Or maybe these people are all crisis actors. What we know for sure is that black people are not violent.

Daily Beast, Slate, Think Progress, and more other far-left news site all published articles claiming that black racial mob violence is a myth.

The extreme far-left staff at Daily Beast wrote that so-called “knockout game” violence by black mobs is “overblown panic over a crime wave that doesn’t exist.”

I guess this is why Daily Beast is losing millions of dollars per year. If your going to write fake news, it has to be really funny for people to actually want to read it.

Another high profile far-left website,, wrote that black racial mob violence is “a myth.” They attacked the “right-wing media” for perpetrating this alleged myth.

Think Progress, which is run by a former Obama White House staffer, also joined in. That website claimed that black racial mob violence “might not be real.”

Actually, Think Progress published one element of the truth.

This website has repeatedly reported that the term “knockout game” started as a euphemism for black hate crime violence by the St. Louis, MO area media. The term “knockout game” was used to conceal the racial nature of the attacks. It was one of numerous regional euphemisms used by left-leaning reporters. In Philadelphia, media has commonly called it “flash mobs.” In England, the media has commonly called it “happy slapping.” In New York City, it has been called “wilding.” Using the phrase “attempted robbery,” is another common euphemism used by media all over the country to conceal black racial violence.

Think Progress correctly identifies the St. Louis media as creating the term “knockout game.” However, this is where they fly off the rails. Think Progress claims that “conservative” and “racist” websites popularized the term. In reality, the websites Think Progress is referring to have been fighting the media’s use of euphemisms such as “knockout game.”

We have been telling you straight up that the attacks are racially motivated mob violence by young blacks targeting non-blacks, especially whites. Think Progress flips reality upside down.

Think Progress claims conservatives are attributing values to the “knockout game” to distort public perception of the crimes. In reality, “knockout game” was coined as a propaganda euphemism by left-wing reporters to distort public perception of the crime! Conservatives are trying to strip off the layers of media propaganda.

What Think Progress, Daily Beast, and Slate are doing is tantamount to libel against the victims of black racial mob violence. This is no different that falsely claiming that a war crime never happened, because you support the party or ideology that perpetrated the war crime.