Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 10, 2015
After the wacky Black race advocate Marilyn Mosby arrested six cops for doing their job, cops are now scared to do their job and violence is skyrocketting.
Really surprising! I feel so surprised!
“In 29 years, I’ve gone through some bad times, but I’ve never seen it this bad,” said Lt. Kenneth Butler, president of the Vanguard Justice Society, a group for black Baltimore police officers. Officers “feel as though the state’s attorney will hang them out to dry.”
Several officers said in interviews they are concerned crime could spike as officers are hesitant to do their jobs, and criminals sense opportunity. Butler, a shift commander in the Southern District, said his officers are expressing reluctance to go after crime.
“I’m hearing it from guys who were go-getters, who would go out here and get the guns and the bad guys and drugs. They’re hands-off now,” Butler said. “I’ve never seen so many dejected faces.
“Policing, as we once knew it, has changed.”
Lt. Victor Gearhart, a 33-year veteran who works in the Southern District, said residents with complaints about police “are going to get the police force they want, and God help them.”
Edward C. Jackson, a retired Baltimore police colonel who teaches at Baltimore City Community College, said he is worried about crime spiking if officers go into a “work slowdown” to avoid proactive police work.
“Baltimore can ill afford having cops do the bare minimum,” he said. “The bad guys are going to take advantage of a slowdown. It’s a terrible situation for the city to be in.”
The city has seen 40 shootings since April 28, the day after the city’s most intense day of rioting, including 10 on Thursday alone. There also have been 15 homicides in that span, bringing the year’s total to 82 — 20 more than at the same time last year.
But the police are evil, Negroes! You don’t need them in your communities! All they want to do is exterminate you!
“You have a perfect storm,” City Councilman Brandon M. Scott said. “First of all, I think everyone is tired. But you also have to realize for everything that’s going on in the city last week, we still have a violence problem in the city, and it’s just being exacerbated by the light being shined on Baltimore.”
Scott said he doesn’t believe officers are being “purposefully hesitant.”
“They have a pride in their job,” Scott said. “They would not do that to prove a point.”
I don’t think anyone is arguing that they’re trying to prove a point, Mr. Scott. I think they are trying not to get arrested for doing their job after six dudes were arrested for doing their job. Talking about “proving a point” merely skews the issue.

But I’m sure you’d know a lot better than I, Mr. Negro.
Mosby often notes that she comes from a family with five generations of police officers, and during the announcement of the charges last week stressed they were not “an indictment of the entire force.”
Gray, 25, died a week after sustaining a severed spine and other injuries while in police custody.
Mosby charged the driver of the police van that transported Gray with second-degree murder and the other officers with offenses that included involuntary manslaughter, false imprisonment and misconduct in office.
There’s that “false imprisonment” bit again, even after it has been proved that the knife Gray the heroin dealer was carrying was illegal. Media doesn’t mention it. Media also claims the injury’s were sustained while he was in police custody, which has not been proved.
The media needs to be indicted for inciting riots by knowingly disseminating disinformation.
Under pressure, Mosby is still claiming to have secret information which will prove that driving a van wrong is a form of racist murder.
Mosby said in a statement this week that she would not discuss the pending case, but cautioned that prosecutors have information that supports the charges that has not been made public. Mosby declined to comment Friday.
Baltimore attorney J. Wyndal Gordon said officers should clean up their act if they are worried about being charged.
“Mosby has sent a clear message that the way they’ve been doing things in the past is no longer acceptable,” Gordon said. “We’re going to see more-attuned police officers. They will think before they act.”
But cleaning up their act means a skyrocketting of homicide, Mr. Negro.
Then you sickening Blacks are going to come and complain about how Whites need to come and stop so many people from being murdered, like the Blacks in Chicago are presently doing.
Here they are saying Obama won’t send enough cops to stop murders.
They’re attacking Obama specifically, but what they are saying is they need cops. Then at the end the guy says that Bill Clinton was the African American President, and one of the big things he did was implement stricter sentencing for drug offenders.
The general Black population does not like the ongoing violence very much, they just hate White people more.
Some Jew civil rights attorney supports Mosby – this is a lol.
Legal analyst and civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom wrote on her blog that Mosby “did precisely what prosecutors are supposed to do” and that the shock surrounding her decision to charge the officers comes from a history of cases involving police being handled differently.
Haha. Stupid goyim don’t know justice when it finally slaps them in the face!

She has been one of the only active celebrity lawyers defending Mosby’s deranged actions.
Even other Jew lawyers are coming out and attacking her.
Officers and legal experts said they are concerned about Mosby’s contention that Gray was falsely arrested. Mosby said that three officers failed to establish probable cause, as no crime had been committed. She said the knife Gray was carrying was not illegal under Maryland law, making the arrest “illegal.”
Former federal prosecutor Jason Weinstein, who held a leadership post in the Justice Department, said the remedy for failing to establish proper probable cause is that “a defendant goes free — not that an officer goes to jail.”
The result could have a “chilling effect” on officers, preventing them from making “good faith judgments” when making arrests, Weinstein said.
Please note that once again, the Baltimore Sun refuses to address the now known fact that the knife was not legal and thus the officers had more than enough reason to arrest this Black heroin dealer.
Going back to the issue of Blacks whining about their people murdering each other, the Black-run city government had actually encouraged aggressive policing in the past.
Sgt. Robert F. Cherry, former president of the police union, said city officials have encouraged officers to perform aggressive enforcement to lower crime numbers.
“The same people they asked to aggressively police that area then turn around and say things like, ‘Why were they chasing him?'” Cherry said, referring to Gray. “Officers engage in things like this every day.”
So, the saga continues.
This isn’t going to be over any time soon, that’s for sure.
My hope is that through this spectacle, more Whites will wake up to the massive issue that is Black people in this country. And that seems to be happening.