London: Negroid Gang Sentenced for Violent Kidnapping and Torture of 16-Year-Old

Isaac Donkoh, the head nog.

You can always rely on blacks to bring their unique brand of savagery with them wherever they go.


Five members of a London gang have been handed jail sentences for the “extremely violent” kidnapping and torture of a 16-year-old.

Isaac Donkoh, 22, and his accomplices, aged fourteen and sixteen, were found guilty of offences including kidnap, grievous bodily harm (GBH), and false imprisonment at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Friday.

A “drill music” artist and gang member, Donkoh and his teenage cohorts, who were acquaintances of the victim, arranged to meet their 16-year-old victim on the night of August 2nd last year in Barking, east London.

A short time later, at the agreed meeting spot on Gordon Road, the defendants pulled up in a dark blue Ford Mondeo and threatened their victim with a machete, punched him in the head, and forced him to get into the car.

They then secured plastic bags over the 16-year-old’s head with an elastic band, before driving him to the home of one of the 14-year-old defendants, according to a police statement recounting the case.

“I thought they were probably gonna kill me,” the victim disclosed in evidence to the court, where jurors heard the 16-year-old had been held at the London address for around two hours, during which he was forced to strip naked and beaten with a metal pole.

The victim also had his hair forcibly cut, was made to swallow a joint of cannabis, and received punches and kicks to the head during the ordeal, in incidents which were filmed by Donkoh on his iPhone.

In addition, the 22-year-old reportedly caused “serious injury” to the victim’s feet, scalding them in the process of a failed attempt to pour boiling water on his head, before eventually allowing the teenager to escape once he made a phone call to his parents, in order to secure a £1,500 ransom fee.

Donkoh was sentenced to 12-and-a-half years while his accomplices were given sentences ranging from 30 to 42 months, according to local media — although it should be noted that it is typical for criminals in Britain to be released automatically at the halfway point or, more rarely, the two-thirds point in their sentences, serving the remainder of their time “on licence in the community”.