Here we go…
Thousands of protesters gathered in Palmdale on Saturday to mourn the death of a young Black man who was found hanging from a tree near City Hall this week, an incident that has sparked alarm in the Antelope Valley as investigators try to determine whether the man’s death was a suicide or if foul play was involved.
Authorities initially said they suspected suicide in the death of 24-year-old Robert Fuller, but then backed off that statement and ordered an autopsy. His body was found hanging from a tree near City Hall early Wednesday.

Many of the people at Saturday’s memorial expressed anger and frustration at Fuller’s death and what they see as a rush by authorities to label it a suicide. On Friday, Lt. Kelly Yagerlener of the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner-Coroner’s office said a decision on the cause of Fuller’s death has been deferred pending an investigation. A full autopsy is planned.
“They suspect suicide?” one woman in the crowd said Saturday. “How can they say that? I can say I suspect a lynching.”
Yeah, that makes sense.
Because that’s the sort of thing that happens.
“I believe the family deserves the benefit of the doubt. Not the coroner’s office,” said one man, who said he planned to ask the district attorney to investigate the death.
Diamond Alexander, Fuller’s sister, addressed the growing multiethnic crowd in the courtyard behind Palmdale’s City Hall.
“We want to find out the truth on what really happened,” an emotional Alexander said. “Everything they told us is not right. We just want the truth. My brother was not suicidal. He was a survivor. He was street smart.”
Another speaker, Pharoah Mitchell, called on the small green space to be renamed Robert Fuller Memorial Park.
Yeah, sure.
Name the park after the suicide.
Or just say it was a lynching, and those responsible are a mystery.
Maybe ghosts could have lynched him?
Here’s an idea – maybe Confederate statues lynched him?
They’ve been especially active lately, attacking peaceful protesters.
Sure, it’s in California, but if you were a gang of Confederate statues on an anti-black rampage, wouldn’t you want to start your lynchings where you’re least suspected? Say, in Los Angeles?
Other than the suicide option, that seems the most likely.
But Seriously Though…
This feels a lot like that period after 9/11, when there was just all that weird stuff happening and no one knew what was going on. There was just this haze of confusion, and things were popping up and then disappearing.
Remember the anthrax letters? 17 government people were mailed anthrax starting a week after 9/11. Five people died and it was never explained who did it. In 2008, they claimed that some random white guy, a biodefense researcher, who had just killed himself, probably did it. Bruce Ivins killed himself with Tylenol #3 because… because he thought the feds were closing in on him, apparently. But after his death, the feds failed to present evidence that he actually did it. They then admitted in 2011 that the only reason they ever believed he might have done it is that he killed himself.
Needless to say, it was obvious that the Jews had mailed the anthrax in the wake of 911 to increase tensions as they were trying to march our boys off to die in some stupid desert in the name of Israel. 9/11 was a one-off, but they needed to create the impression that the country was under siege, as in the film Under Siege 2: Dark Territory starring Steven Seagal.
They appear to be doing something similar now, only they’re specifically targeting the blacks.
They are trying to create an extreme state of agitation in these blacks, make them believe people are killing them all the time, when in fact no one is doing anything and the media just made it up.
Yes, a cop used unnecessary force on a black drug addict that was resisting arrest. A knee to the neck maneuver that he apparently learned from an Anti-Defamation League training session with the Israeli military. But literally no one is defending that situation. I think it is interesting that George Floyd died of complications from coronavirus, as well as having a heart attack caused by mixing fentanyl with amphetamines, but even though I think it’s clear he would have died even if he hadn’t been arrested that day, it was still inappropriate to stand on the guy’s neck like that.
Remember: I’m supposed to be the world’s biggest racist, and I’m saying, “yeah, I don’t agree with that, cops shouldn’t act like that.” You’re not going to find a single person anywhere that seriously believes cops should be committing a genocide against the blacks. This is an imaginary problem. It’s a spook.
But they want to push these people like they pushed everyone after 9/11, so they’re pushing this kind of crap. I don’t know what happened with the guy hanged in Palmdale, but it wasn’t a lynching. Unless it was done by Mexicans or something, I guess, but that seems unlikely. I’m just gonna throw this out there: I wouldn’t be surprised if the feds did it themselves.
That said, I find it hard to believe there weren’t cameras in front of City Hall.
They’ve got a full-on circus going on out there now.
But if I had to guess, I would guess that this will disappear, but they won’t ever resolve it on the TV. That is to say, they will admit it was a suicide, but never let the blacks know they admitted that. And it wouldn’t matter if the blacks did know they admitted that, as the blacks are being trained to believe that the government is part of some conspiracy to exterminate them.
I fear that this black thing is just getting started.
The media is going absolutely nuts. I saw CNN yesterday and it was just on a loop with these blacks, saying that “President Trump refuses to surrender to cultural changes” or some such thing. That was the chyron. What are the cultural changes? Are we really… going to abolish the police? And replace them with social workers?
I do not know.
But I will tell you, I was very much convinced there would be a second coronavirus hoax, as I knew that some switch had been flipped and they were not going to let this train stop. But now that they’ve switched to this blackmania, I’m not so sure Coronavirus 2 is still in the cards. We might not even be talking about the blacks in three months. Some other crazy thing could be happening.
Whatever happens, it has now become clear that it is impossible for us to share a country with these blacks. This relationship is now much too damaged for any kind of peace to come out of it. Either they are going to kill us, or we’re going to have to separate. Understand: they are very close to killing us. The cops have made it clear that they simply have no interest in stopping them from doing whatever they want. When you look at the way they are attacking these statues, it is clear that they would just as soon be attacking you. This is a primal hatred that these people have.
Someone asked me the other day, “do you think there will be a second wave?”
I said, “a second wave of what? The virus or the blacks?”