Louis Theroux Looks Into the Negro Soul and Finds Nothing There

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2014

Natural Negro behavior.

Louis (Jewey) Theroux gets a bit of a shock when he meets two negroes who are not bothered about pretending to understand what morality is.

One explains that he commits crimes because he loves doing so and does not care what it is, so long as it is a crime.

He explains how he gets money from people, by putting their baby in an oven, or by burning them in a hot shower, or by cutting the throat of someone’s wife.

All things that we regularly see Negroes doing to their own family members, as well as to robbery victims.

He then explains how he saw his father and brother killed – and this is where people usually make the mistake of thinking it was seeing this violence that must have made him the way he is.

But what it it is really telling us, is that deadly violence is just a natural part of the Negro psyche and they could not care less, who it is they kill or where.

Killing is such a common place occurrence in Negroland, that even Louis’ fixer saw these particular murders, although he has learnt to appear concerned about it in front of White people.

The criminal’s family members were killed by other Negroes because that is what Negroes are like, not because those killers saw violence as children.

A puppy does not need to be taught to chase a stick, just as a Negro does not need to be taught to rape, steal and kill.