Macron Vows to Piss in the Face of Globalism (Everyone Knows He Won’t Do Shit)

Yeah, well, I hate to tell you this, but Macron makes these sweeping declarations and then buckles like a cheap… buckle.

Of the people on earth who do not have spines, Macron is in the top 3.


Paris is an ally and not a “vassal” of Washington, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday, defending his comments about “strategic autonomy” of the EU when it comes to the rising tensions between the US and China.

Being an ally does not mean being a vassal… doesn’t mean that we don’t have the right to think for ourselves,” Macron said in Amsterdam, at a joint press conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Asked for the French position on Taiwan, Macron said that Paris supports the status quo, meaning the “One China policy and the search for a peaceful resolution to the situation.”

Returning from his trip to China on Sunday, Macron had argued that the EU can’t be “just America’s followers,” and that it was not in the bloc’s interest to stoke tensions over Taiwan. “The worse thing would be to think that we Europeans must become followers on this topic and take our cue from the US agenda and a Chinese overreaction,” he had told reporters.

The remarks earned him a swift rebuke from US Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican on the foreign affairs committee, who suggested Washington might leave the EU to handle the Ukraine conflict by itself. 

Taiwanese parliament speaker You Si-Kun on Tuesday argued that France had forsaken its motto of “liberty, equality, fraternity” and that advanced democracies should not “ignore the lives and deaths of people in other countries,” adding that Macron’s comments left him “puzzled.”

Yeah, I would love to see Macron whip out his dick and slap around You, getting his face all red with dick marks, and make him cry and vomit.

But Macron won’t do it.

Macron a pussy, and he’d never whip anyone in the face with his dick.

He won’t ever do anything.

Macron won’t even whip out his johnson and piss in Marco Rubio’s face, no matter how much that gay Cuban deserves it.

The best Macron will do is whimper and make this face:


Truly pathetic.

It’s best if he doesn’t talk this game at all, and just be the bitch he is, rather than act like he’s the big man on campus and then bitch like a homo.