This is lunacy.
There is no law but Vaginal Law. (Virus Law is just a sub-system of Vaginal Law.)
An adult-film actor tied to a San Diego company that authorities said duped and coerced women into making pornography was sentenced in federal court Monday to 20 years in prison.
In December, Ruben Andre Garcia, 31, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit sex trafficking by force, coercion and fraud, and admitted his role as a recruiter and performer with GirlsDoPorn.com and GirlsDoToys.com from 2013 to 2017. Authorities said the company lured in young women who had never appeared in adult films.
U.S. District Judge Janis Sammartino said Garcia was “without question” one of the leaders behind a scheme she described as “malicious” and “callous.” The victims, she said, were treated as “disposable commodities.”
The sentence is several years longer than the 12 years and seven months in prison that prosecutors suggested. Garcia’s attorneys had sought a seven-year prison term.
Defense lawyer Jan Ronis said his client apologized in court, saying he “doesn’t know how he lost his moral compass.” The attorney also said the case was the “long shadow of the #MeToo movement.”
“This is a reawakening in America that, in the past, these cases were not taken too seriously,” Ronis said after the sentencing. “The judge’s sentence — which I don’t agree with — reflects that that day is gone.”
As part of his plea, Garcia admitted to threatening and deceiving the women, and paying other women to lie to reluctant recruits, falsely asserting that the footage would not be seen in the U.S. but was intended for private DVD collections overseas.
Yeah, let me crack open my river of tears.
Of course other women were involved. Women will sell each other out a lot faster than even the speed at which black people shoot each other.
You didn’t understand at the time, but the #metoo movement was BLM for women. We’re going through a new “civil rights” movement, where it is double the oppression of white men – and in this case a Mexican, who himself seems to be mentally disabled.
The judge sentenced him to more than the prosecutors were even requesting.
The 20-year sentence exceeds the 151-month term sought by prosecutors in their sentencing memorandum, as well as the seven-year term sought by Garcia’s attorney.
Co-defendants Valorie Moser, who worked for GirlsDoPorn as a bookkeeper, and Theodore Wilfred Gyi, a cameraman, have also pleaded guilty and await sentencing.
The site’s co-creator, New Zealand native Michael James Pratt, remains at large, with a reward of up to $10,000 available for information leading to his arrest.
These girls went to a porn shoot. They signed a contract. They didn’t read the contract because they were lied to – but lying to women is not illegal. Or at least it wasn’t before this ruling – it apparently is now.
This case is claiming that lying to women is “sex trafficking” and “fraud.” The real life claim is that women are too stupid, and too big of whores, to even understand what is going on around them.
Do you see how this works?
Women are continually given all of these new powers, while at the same time any form of responsibility is removed from them.
Imagine if in the 1800s, before women were allowed to vote, they would have went to police and said “I filmed a porno with this Mexican and he said he was going to send to an Arab but then he posted it publicly on the internet.” The cops would start laughing at her. They would actually probably go ahead and rape her as punishment for telling them this sick story.
What happened is this:
- Men gave women political power
- Women grabbed all the power they could grab as soon as the doors opened
- Women started passing all these laws to get more power and to remove responsibility from themselves for the crimes they commit
This idea that anyone in society can have total power and also be totally above any form of responsibility is unsustainable.
If you don’t understand how ludicrous this is, ask yourself what would happen if a gay man said he accidentally ended up in a porno on the internet because he got tricked into thinking it was a private video for the Arabs. He would be laughed at – and no one would call that “homophobia.”
Women have special privileges going both ways – they have more power and less responsibility. In fact, they have more or less no responsibility at all. Even if they kill someone, they receive less than half the sentence a man would get.
Pornography should be illegal. But everyone needs to be arrested – including and especially the women who “act” in the porno, who make the porno possible. A bunch of men could only make a gay porno. Women participants are a necessary part of porno. They are the party that is most guilty for making porno happen.
This wetback has been sentenced to twenty years for lying to a woman in a really stupid way that she could easily have confirmed was a lie. In the case, they actually made it sound like he was purposefully targeting stupid women, and that they couldn’t understand an obvious lie, and couldn’t read a contract, because they were so stupid. It’s like they’re talking about abuse of the mentally retarded.
If women are truly this stupid, and truly this incapable of managing their own lives, then why is our society completely controlled by women?
If you want to see how nutty this is getting, go look at the women demanding that female sports stars get paid the same as male sports stars. This is a big thing they’re demanding.
No one watches female sports, so they don’t produce any money for these women to get paid. But women can’t understand that concept, and said the “pay gap” is “unfair.” It doesn’t even make any sense, but that doesn’t matter – they don’t care because they’re too stupid to understand simple things, and always just want more, more, more.