Man Takes a Piss on Dairy Queen Counter After Staff Tell Him to Wear Stupid Mask

Stupid mask!

Piss on this!

New York Post:

An unmasked Canadian man was so peed-off about a Dairy Queen‘s face covering mandate that he relieved himself on the counter of the fast food restaurant, footage posted on Facebook showed.

The Saturday night incident happened in Vancouver Island’s Port Alberni, according to CTV News.

The peevish customer argued with staff about British Columbia’s mask policy before unzipping his pants and defiling the DQ service counter as the staff shrieked in horror, footage showed.

“It’s not a BC policy. BC policy says you have to observe exemptions,” the dribbling dissenter said in the video before apparently taking matters into his own hands.

“F—ing psychopaths,” he exclaimed before walking out of the store.

Yeah, these people are psychopaths.

But I mean… never go full pisser.

Pissers never get any sympathy from anyone.