Manly Advice: Do Not Spend the Holidays Trying to Redpill Your Family! Don’t Even Mention Politics!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 27, 2019

This is your annual “don’t talk to your family about politics during the holidays” post. Welcome to it.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. And then even if you’re not American, we’ve got other events coming up, where you’ll likely be meeting up with your extended family.

I just want to tell you frankly, again: there is never any reason to have a political discussion with these people. At all. I know a lot of you are young, and feel like all you have to do is pull up a couple of Google searches and you can get people on your side. Don’t do this. It doesn’t work and all it does is create conflict with the people who are most important in your life.

There is nothing more important than family, and there is nothing worth sacrificing family for. In the long run, it doesn’t matter what any individual member of our society believes anyway, what matters is major trends, and you’re not going to cause any major trend shift by destroying relationships with your family.

And you will destroy relationships. People will not want to be around you if you make them uncomfortable, talking about Jews and tranny story time and whatever other uncomfortable subject.

When I was in my late teens, I got all into Alex Jones (yes, he’s been around that long), and really put a lot of strain on my relationships with my family by talking about these kinds of issues all the time. And that was way before things were as heated as they are now. So I speak from experience here when I tell you: it simply isn’t worth it.

Don’t bring up any political topic.

And if there is some big family discussion about politics going on, just stay out of it. Go play with the children or the dogs or whatever. Don’t offer your two cents, no matter how strong the drive to do so is.

If family members directly ask you what you think about something, then you can tell them, but give them a lite version. Don’t roll heavy. As I always say: don’t never go big on nobody.

Furthermore, there is going to be such a big instinct among everyone to talk about politics, since our society is so inundated with politics, that you should make a point to bring up topics that are non-political.

Avoid All Sensitive Topics

Talk about inane social things.

Such as:

  • Things that you’re thankful for
  • What is going on with people in their personal lives and the personal lives of their circle
  • People’s school/work and future plans for school/work
  • Any traveling that anyone has done
  • Gossip about romantic relationships and impending marriages (avoid divorces or negative gossip)
  • The location of family members who are not present for whatever reason (be positive and understanding)
  • Your health and fitness routine (do not promote cults like CrossFit or the carnivore diet, that is basically political, and don’t get aggressive giving advice to fat family members)
  • The food that is being served and your opinions on various foods in general
  • The Mandalorian
  • The Cybertruck
  • Half-Life VR
  • Hobbies
  • Sports
  • Other popular culture and entertainment media that you or your family is aware of or interested in

Basically, this is the same advice I give for talking to women. Which makes sense, because half of your family is women and they tend to dominate these sorts of events, since they are the ones cooking the food and so on, and are simply more prone to be chatty in these types of situations.

Also, just in general: do not appear like a know-it-all or someone who thinks they are smarter than other people, even if you are talking about something inane. For example, if there is someone who likes the new Star Wars movies, do not roll hard on them.

Just do your best to enjoy the company of your people. And if you don’t enjoy it, or feel depressed that no one is woke to the USS Liberty or the Finders cult, then pretend to enjoy it.

Be as kind and as seemingly interested as possible in whatever anyone is saying.

These are relationships you will have until death, and there is literally no excuse whatsoever for doing anything that might damage them.

In your life, you will have only a few people that you can ever truly and fully trust to have your back, and the overwhelming majority of them are going to be blood relatives. Because it is hardwired into our genes to favor and care for our blood relatives, first and foremost.

There will be several times when you will have to bite your tongue. And you should be prepared to literally bite your tongue.

Stay Off Your Phone

Do not be rude. Leave your cellphone in your coat at the door. Unless you have opiate addicts in your family, in which case you should turn it off and leave it in your pocket. Or leave it in your car.

Even if other people are on their phones, don’t do it. There is nothing that is so important that it cannot wait while you are with your family on this rare occasion.

Don’t Drink or Don’t Drink Much

If alcohol is served at the end of the night, do not consume so much that you will lose your ability to bite your tongue. In fact, drink if it is expected that you should drink, but do so as little as possible.

I know that at the end of holiday celebrations, sometimes certain relatives can be pushy about the need for the men to drink, and let me tell you something about that:

This is an important life lesson that goes beyond this situation, into many other situations: as long as you have a drink in your hand, and appear to be sipping it, people will usually assume you are drinking the same amount as them, and will not start pressuring you to drink more. If people are doing toasts, join in but take very small sips.

Try to Enjoy Yourself

Do your best to simply enjoy the company of your family. For most of us, we only see our extended family a few times a year, and it should be enjoyable.

But if you can’t enjoy it, then don’t let anyone know you’re not enjoying it. There will be many points in your life where you have to pretend to enjoy something you don’t enjoy, and this is a skill that any fully developed adult has.