Women are natural born traitors. Yes, all of them.
Don’t ever trust them with anything that could hurt you, in any way, because they will use it against you, just for the pleasure of doing harm.
A woman turned in her ex-boyfriend to the FBI after he took a break during last month’s Capitol riot to berate her in a text message, authorities said.
Richard Michetti’s one-time girlfriend gave authorities a series of texts that led to his arrest, including a 4:26 p.m. missive that read, “If you can’t see the election was stolen, you’re a moron,” according to an affidavit by FBI Special Agent Christopher Dillon.
The Ridley Park, Pennsylvania, man appeared in federal court in Philadelphia on Tuesday and was placed under home detention until trial.
Court documents show several pictures of Michetti in a Chicago White Sox baseball cap, inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, as pro-Trump supporters tried to stop Congress from formally accepting the Electoral College votes that delivered November’s election to President Joe Biden. The riot left five people dead, including Capitol police Officer Brian Sicknick.
Yeah – dead of a stroke. Not of a fire extinguisher bash.
His death literally had nothing to do with the riot. He died days after, of an unrelated cause.
It was a total fake news hoax. But they just keep mentioning it in news articles anyway. It’s crazy how they do that. They will admit something is fake, then just keep on faking it, because they know most people won’t see the admission it was fake.
Even fake news enforcer Politifact has finally admitted he didn’t die of a fire extinguisher attack.
This was the headline from NBC about the traitor girlfriend, by the way:
It was justified that this bitch betrayed her own lover to the government – because he called her a mean name.