March of the NWO: EU To Create New ‘Banking Union’

Daily Stormer
December 20, 2013


At this point it should be obvious to everyone that the EU is a complete failure, both socially and economically.  Integrating nations with such diverse cultures and histories into a single system has been a disaster.  The EU has brought bailouts, austerity, increasingly tyrannical control over local affairs, and of course the ever stricter enforcement of political correctness.

But rather than recognize their mistake, the EU bureaucrats are pushing ahead in their centralization of power, and recently announced the creation of a new EU banking union.

According to AFP:

EU finance ministers on Wednesday agreed on a landmark deal to create a single body to regulate and shore up banks, which was hailed as the most ambitious project to integrate Europe’s economy since the adoption of the Euro as the common currency.

Leaders have been quick to point out that financing for the new bank rescue agency will come from the bank themselves and their creditors – not the government and taxpayers.

At a related meeting earlier on Tuesday, eurozone ministers reached an initial agreement that says banks will have to provide 55 billion euros over 10 years to pay for shutting down or spinning off ailing financial institutions.

The EU thinks that we’re dumb enough to believe that this new banking apparatus will benefit the people, and not cost them any money in the long run.  When governments and banks form close relationships, the people lose out.  These arrangements are always complicated means of robbing the people through indirect means such as currency and interest rate manipulation.

And as is the case with all bureaucracies, once it is established, this banking union will simply grow and grow, constantly demanding more money, and the EU will warn us that defunding the union would be “too dangerous”.

This cycle of debt and deception must end.