The Cuban homosexual and foreign infiltrator and terrorist Marco Rubio appeared on Fox News following Vladimir Putin’s announcement of a plan to annex the Donbass. Many are calling him “The Donbass Dumbass” after he stated that he did not actually read Putin’s entire speech, because it was too long and most of it was irrelevant.
Can you even begin to imagine saying “we’re going to need to go to war with this country, but I don’t really even care what they’re talking about”?
I get that people skim things. Putin’s speech was long. I personally listened to the translation (by his official translator) and then read the transcript. But I’m of course much more interested in the dynamics of this situation than any politician.
My point would be: even if he did just skim the speech, or have an aide give him a summary – which I don’t think would be totally out of line, honestly – why would he make a point to say that?
Obviously, this was meant as a dis. He’s saying “look, this guy is not even worth listening to, he’s just pure evil, we have to destroy him, it doesn’t matter what the heck his stated reasons are for his actions, he’s just doing this because he’s evil.”
Rubio has a history of hiring bad writers. During the 2020 election, when he was running against Donald Trump, he accused Trump of having a small penis – not as an off the cuff remark, but as part of a scripted campaign speech. Making the situation much worse, he then apologized for these remarks.
I think it was very strange to accuse Trump of having a small penis, especially given who Trump is. Trump’s response was like “I can assure you, there’s no problem down there, and there are lots of women you can consult on that issue.”
At this point, instead of apologizing, Rubio should have demanded Trump post pictures of his dick. I mean, he was already in, and when you start talking about people’s dick size, you gotta go all in.
Rubio, who is a homosexual Cuban who doesn’t want to live in Cuba because he’s afraid he’d be executed by communists for illicit anal activities, is a foreign agent of a government that doesn’t technically exist. He is a part of an undeclared government in exile of Cuba. His goal is to use the American military to overthrow the government of Cuba so he and his comrades can return to the country and turn it into a gay disco.
Because his entire purpose is to use the American military against Cuba, he reflexively defends any and all military actions by the US government. As we saw during the Bush years, once the US military gets rolling on invading countries, they really go hard. Russia is still an ally of Cuba, so a war against Russia could result in regime change in Cuba.
Rubio is not the only homosexual foreign agent in the Republican Party agitating for war with Russia in the wake of Putin’s epic speech. Lindsey Graham, a homosexual agent of Israel, also went on Fox News to claim that Joe Biden is simply not doing enough to start a war with Russia.
Graham, who is gay, said that if we don’t stop Russia now, all hell will break loose and the entire system will collapse.
He might not be wrong.
I hope he’s not wrong.
Frankly, it’s lose-lose for these lunatics. They simply do not have the capacity for total war. If they attempted total war, China takes Taiwan, the Arabs switch sides, the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, and then there is no way to fund the military.
They could just start launching nukes.
Frankly, I think a lot of people are deluded regarding the capacities of the American ZOG regime. The thing is totally rotted out from the inside, and the only thing they have left is an extremely powerful military – but without a single competent person to actually run it. Their list of options is very short and it’s getting shorter. Soon enough, it will be shorter than Marco Rubio.
Vladimir Putin is a serious person.
Of course, as of now, they have an incredible amount of power. But it’s a lumbering beast, which could topple at any time. I prefer nuclear war, but either way, the trannies and other faggots are all going to end up dead when the beast trips over itself, and the sluts will belong to us.
It’s really a strange situation that Tucker Carlson, the one person on TV pushing against war with Russia, is on the channel that is most aggressively pushing for war with Russia.