Marilyn Manson: “Racism is a Stupid, Made-Up Word”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2014

Even Marilyn Manson is flipping out about the clamp-down on the White race...!
Even Marilyn Manson is flipping out about the clamp-down on the White race…!

Marilyn Manson, appearing on the podcast of horrible “edgy” 90s novelist Bret Easton Ellis, spoke out against the idiocy that is the racist witchhunt.

Manson was recently cast as a White supremacist in the television series Sons of Anarchy.

Here’s the transcript of the exchange – note that Ellis felt the need to break in and distance himself from Manson’s comments.

Ellis: Getting back to the idea of racism and how it’s so widely applied to people now, it’s just gotten crazy.

Manson: I don’t even really know what to do with it. You know, it’s the old tradition of like, ‘Yeah man I got a lot of black friends, I got a lot of Jewish friends’ or whatever, it’s like, the people that I know that are my friends that are black are completely comfortable with my sense of humor because I think that racism is more about if something is like – whatever, it’s a stupid word, it’s a made up word, it’s an ism. Jizm is an ism.

But it’s like if you’re not doing something hateful to somebody, you’re not trying to hurt somebody, then it’s not really a problem. You can make comments about culture, don’t avoid the elephant in the room. Stand-up comedians can say whatever they want and somehow that’s a free reign but if you say it as a rockstar, say it as a writer, sometimes people misinterpret it – people interpret everything differently.

But it’s a silly way of someone trying to – the other lesson I learned in journalism class was if you criticise something it makes you sound like a better writer than if you compliment it.”

Ellis [cutting off Manson]: “Of course that’s true and that’s why I think there’s so many haters on the internet, but racism, you know, let’s just clarify, does exist, in a big way.

You can listen to the entire 2 hour podcast here.

Marilyn Manson represented a rebelliousness against the ongoing disenfranchisement of young White men in the 90s, a part of an embrace of the no future situation we were facing with the rise of feminism and Black culture becoming the dominant culture.  At the time it wasn’t clear what statement was being made, but it is now.

Whatever you think of Manson’s music – it is definitely degenerate – it is fundamentally White. And it seems that everyone who is fundamentally White in orientation is beginning to become very uncomfortable with the direction things are moving in, regardless of how otherwise liberal they may be.

I am certain we are going to be seeing more and more such statements from more and more unlikely persons.

Though I don’t think we should endorse Marilyn Manson or any other degenerate cultural figure who comes out and defends White people, we should actually endorse whatever statements they may make in support of our agenda we should endorse – and defend.