Mariupol Being Crushed as Russia Finally Able to Get Azov’s Human Shields Out Alive

I’ve seen alleged right-wingers on the internet claiming that Azov Battalion are some kind of “Trve National Socialist” group. I tend to just assume these are fed accounts, but probably someone is stupid enough to believe that.

If you were a Trve NatSoc, would you use your own people as human shields and then open fire on them when they try to flee?

We should remember that Azov has links to Atomwaffen, which is a satanic death cult pretending to be a nationalist organization.

There are dozens of these videos of people describing what Azov was doing to people, but they keep getting deleted. Here’s one, where a man explains that Azov was opening fire on columns of civilians that Russia was trying to get out of the city.

Here’s one with residents of Mariupol saying Azov wouldn’t even let them out of their houses, and would sometimes fire on their houses. They say they’ve been in the basement for almost a month. The man says the Russian army got him out, then says “we hate Ukraine.”

Here’s another woman saying that she didn’t even know there was discussion of corridors until the Russians moved tanks in to get her and her people out, and that Azov was using everyone as human shields.

Human Rights Watch is covering the evacuation, but is splicing footage, not explaining that Azov was opening fire on civilians, not denying but also not directly stating that the only way they got out was by unilateral actions by the Russians.

Understand: there is no story of “actually, the Ukrainians let them out finally.” Western media are just omitting the whole story of why the corridor is now open.

Shitlibs like *checks notes* Mia Farrow are posting 12-second clips, editing out the parts where people blame Azov.

Instead of interviewing people on the ground, the media covers this stuff by showing the carnage and then interviewing people who speak English (usually women, raised in the West, who I suspect are professional actors). But sometimes they interview some guy in a Spider-Man hat.

That “maternity ward bombing” has been exposed as a total hoax. It wasn’t in use.

The theater bombing was also a total hoax. According to all on the ground reports from witnesses, Azov filled the theater up with civilians and then blew it up themselves. (This woman also tells the same story of Azov using everyone as human shields and opening fire on evac corridors, praising the Russians as liberators. Honestly, all of these videos are worth watching, just to get an idea of how absolutely full of shit the media is.)

The Jewish media is using this as yet another atrocity hoax.

Mariupol has been surrounded for like, ten days or something – but Russia refused to move in until they could figure out a way to get at least the majority of the civilians out, because they know Azov will slaughter the civilians and blame them.

Russians opened up the city, and are now protecting civilians from Azov fire.

What an absurd scenario. The West is praising Azov as heroes, and claiming Russia is committing war crimes against Mariupol.

You can’t live in some fantasy world on this one – again, the city was totally surrounded, and if Russia was willing to slaughter civilians, they would have just went straight in. The only reason they took so long to take the city is that they were trying to get civilians out. In fact, that is the story of this entire conflict. The core strategy of the Ukrainians is human shields and crying.

I hope Russia is doing a good job documenting all of this so that they can show it to the Ukrainians when the war is over.

Russians are moving further into the city now.

Here’s a map that shows how they’re trying to split it into segments so they can both isolate Azov and get civilians to safety.

But… Russia has basically released the Chechens on areas that have been cleared of civilians, as Azov dogs continue to scurry around residential areas.

The city is basically being leveled.

I guess maybe the Jews and neo-Nazis that run the Ukraine should have thought more about it before picking this fight?