MAX LOL: Commie Faggot Goes to Ferguson to Support Black Rioters, Gets Attacked by Blacks

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 21, 2014


A partially Whitish leftist activist named Steve Schmidt has gone to Ferguson to support the Black rioters and gotten his ass beaten in a racial hate crime.  He is apparently still there supporting these Blacks in their rioting, looting agenda.

Steve Schmidt: He's got a German name, but he could be half Mexican or something.  Still, to the Blacks, he's just another White Devil (read: food).
Steve Schmidt: He’s got a German name, but he could be half Mexican or something. Still, to the Blacks, he’s just another White Devil (read: food).

This just goes to show that it is only Whites who do not understand that we are already in a race war.  We were born in a race war.  The Blacks know it, the Asians know it, the Arabs know it – it is time to figure it out, White Man.  This is not a game.  It is us or them.

Back against the wall.

At least some of the Twitter community mocked the Steve retard.

Twitter - @steve_schmid7