As Donald Trump’s presidency continues to cast an oppressive shadow of skin-hatred over the United States, more and more White people are being encouraged to do what they do best: hurting colored people’s feelings for dopamine highs.
Whether they’re throwing watermelon rinds at Black neurosurgeons or attempting to post letters through the gaps in Moslem women’s burkas (then claiming “I thought she was a mailbox” when called out on it), Whites really will do anything to get their racial kicks.
The game’s up, Nigel. We all know your vision is 20/20.
This time, an unidentified McDonald’s employee – presumably a White male Trump supporter – noticed that a Moslem family had entered the restaurant and ordered chicken sandwiches. Seizing the opportunity to ruin their day, he opened up their sandwiches and, laughing like a Holocaust denier, added pieces of bacon to each and every one of them.
McDonald’s has been accused of racism after a video emerged appearing to show little bits of bacon stuffed in chicken sandwiches ordered by a Muslim family.
The family, from New York, were said to be “disturbed” by the incident which occurred at a McDonald’s in Alabama, a southern US state.
Eating pork or pork products is banned in Islam. One member of the family was reported to have thrown up twice after discovering the meat.
The family ordered 14 chicken sandwiches from the fast food takeaway in Point Mallard Water Park in Decatur, Alabama.
The video is captioned “bacon in all our sandwiches”. In it, a woman is heard saying: “What happened? Why?”
Because he could, dear Kebabess.
Because he could.
At first glance, the amount of bacon in each sandwich appears minuscule…
… But when you look closer, you realize that this was no accident.
The family reported the incident to advocacy group Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has described the incident as an “intentional act of bigotry” – accusing staff at the fast food chain of deliberately stuffing the food with bits of bacon to insult their Islamic faith.
The organisation is reviewing CCTV cameras of the incident, and Mr Hadeed has called for the dismissal of any staff found to have been involved.
But McDonald’s has denied the claim, saying it was not an intentional act.
Ha! Don’t pretend to be innocent, McDonald’s.
You know fully well that this was an intentional act of Islamophobia. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if a manager paid the employee to do it – after all, McDonald’s excels at racist microaggressions.
Remember when a Mannheim branch directed Turks toward a violent area of the city in the hope that they would be beaten up and impaled, Vlad-Tepes style, by gangs of roving neo-Nazis?
Remember when a Te Awamutu branch held raffles for racist golliwog dolls in the hope of driving New Zealand’s small but growing Black population to suicide?
Remember when a San Francisco branch added “Asian Salad” to the menu, an act of cultural appropriation so severe that countless Asian-Americans remained inconsolable for weeks?
All three of those hate crimes occurred during the last few months alone!
Good luck getting justice for this one, Moslems. State-sanctioned racism is a hallmark of the United States and its companies these days.
And since you’re forced to live in the United States, you’ll just have to suffer in silence.