Still not vaxxed to hell yet?
Well, how about if we vaxx you at McDonald’s?
Would that meet your fancy, goyim pig?
California McDonald’s franchises are working with the Department of Public Health to give out free vaccines with a free menu item for those who get their shot.
And, people aren’t just heading to the Golden Arches over on Richards and Freeport for their free COVID vaccines. They’re heading to 70-plus locations across the state according to McDonalds.
“The state is giving away millions of dollars to do things to get people to get shots into their arms. And we are doing our little part,” Harris Liu, a local McDonald’s owner said.
Liu owns six McDonald’s in the City of Sacramento and six others in Solano and Yolo Counties that are partaking in the initiative.
“I can’t think of anything else that would be better that taking care of your health and two getting a free lunch out of us,” Liu said.
Liu says there are six more pop-clinics happening at the franchises he owns this week with follow-up clinics in July for those who need their second does.
But are you really taking care of your health by eating at McDonald’s in the first place?
They currently have 37 McDonald’s locations on their list.
I just can’t hardly imagine that someone who held out this long is going to agree to get vaxxed for a free McDonald’s meal.
This is literally selling your soul here.
It will be a good thing if people willing to sell their soul for McDonald’s die quickly.
In general, if everyone who takes this vaxx dies, the world is going to be a much better place.