Medical University of South Carolina Forced by State to Cease Child Mutilation

Some of their patients were toddlers

Some of these medical groups are walking this mutilation stuff back.

Frankly, I always suspected that the actual mutilation of the genitals was kind of a fringe thing, and trannies would settle on keeping their penises and just taking hormones and having breast implants.

WMBF News:

A conservative group of politicians from around the state call this “a win for childhood innocence” after the Medical University of South Carolina says they are dropping their pediatric transgender clinics.

This means the hospital will no longer provide hormonal care or surgeries for transgender minors. The move comes after legislation passed in June addressing these services and the hospital’s state funding.

The South Carolina Freedom Caucus says this should have been done in order to follow the legislature’s most recent fiscal budget.

MUSC receives money from both state agencies and from the state of South Carolina, in addition to federal funds. Hospital officials say they have worked diligently to make sure they are in compliance with the 2022-2023 Appropriations Act and proviso 23.4.

Proviso 23.4 states:

“No funds appropriated to MUSC pursuant to this appropriations act shall be used to fund or support any action furthering the gender transition of a minor child under the age of sixteen. This proviso shall not prohibit MUSC from providing medically necessary treatment that is unrelated to physical gender transition. Further, this proviso does not prohibit mental health counseling services.”

“In South Carolina, you can’t get a tattoo until you’re 18,” Jordan Pace, Representative for House District 117 and member of the Freedom Caucus, said. “Much less, make permanent changes to your body in that regard.”

Pace says his organization has requested information from MUSC asking how old these patients have been in this clinic and they have yet to hear back. To his knowledge, he says they’ve heard of patients as young as four. He says MUSC’s endocrine center is moving in a positive direction.

“My hope and our hope is if they feel like they need to see a therapist, you know, that’s there, that’s available,” Pace said. “What we hope they don’t do it is make permanent changes that they’re going to regret.”

It’s just so wacky that anyone thinks this is okay.

The tattoo thing is a good comparison.

I, along with most people, regret all of my tattoos. Of course, tattoos are not a big deal. Cutting your dick off is a big deal.