Megalomaniacal Meatball Does Nothing But Talk About Disney

I said from the beginning that the single “exceptional” thing Meatball Ron did was attack Disney, and the only reason that was exceptional is that he’s the only governor of the state with Disney World.

With everything else he’s done, other red state governors have done it better, and in many cases, a lot better.

This fat slob Meatball did the Covid stay-at-home orders. Seven (7) states didn’t do that. His anti-tranny stuff was on par with 15 states and worse than 9 states. His fake anti-vax mandate was the same as 15 states’ (Montana was the only state with a real mandate ban).

So, because his war with Disney is his only unique thing, and the thing that’s gotten him the most publicity, he’s become megalomaniacal.

At first I guess he was kind of winning, then Bog Iger came back and he is losing badly and looking like a kook freak. He’s now saying he’s going to build a prison next to Disney World, the threat presumably being that convicts will escape and hurt children visiting the park (see above clip). Frankly, that’s probably the single most bizarre political threat I’ve ever heard.

After threatening to send convicts to hurt children, Meatball then declared total victory, without explanation as to what he’d won.

The sonovabitch did a Bud Light commentary video.

I’m serious.

Notice how he’s still trying to copy all of Trump’s mannerisms?

Except Trump wouldn’t say all that goofy boomer bullshit about Bud Light.

The guy is coming off the rails.

It’s funny to see.

I don’t really even care, but it’s funny.