This is the core ideology of the GOP: “It is better to just lose and be completely destroyed than to support someone who is disrespectful to the people who are trying to destroy you.”
Maybe these ideologies weren’t such a good idea? I mean, if that is what you end up with, something has gone very wrong, I think.
The main fundraising committee of Michigan House Republicans won’t support a Macomb County GOP candidate in a potentially competitive district who questioned law enforcement’s handling of the plot against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
“Conspiracy theories and hateful remarks” from Republican Paul Smith, who’s challenging state Rep. Nate Shannon, D-Sterling Heights, don’t represent the caucus’s values, said House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering and House Republican Campaign Committee Co-Chairman Jason Wentworth, R-Clare, in a statement Saturday.
“That is why the House Republican Campaign Committee is not supporting him and will not spend one dime to get him elected,” they said.

Smith, 74, a former Sterling Heights City Council member, responded on Facebook to a post that shared a New York Times opinion piece titled, “The plot against Gretchen Whitmer shows the danger of private militias.”
“What a totally bogus sham,” Smith commented. “These citizens never did anything illegal. Law enforcement is employed to punish people who COMMIT crimes, not people The Governess simply HATES. You can legally hurt Whitmer by voting out her minions.”
The comment came after authorities identified 13 individuals who were allegedly involved in a plot to harm law enforcement officials, storm the state Capitol, kidnap Whitmer and attempt to incite a civil war.
Smith didn’t respond to requests for interviews on Friday and Saturday.
“Defending a violent plot against Governor Whitmer is sadly not a new low for Paul Smith,” said Jessica Post, president of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee.
Chatfield on Sunday doubled down on the House GOP campaign committee’s statement, calling Smith a “loser” in a tweet.
“If you can’t denounce the evil plans and actions of these white nationalists, we don’t want you in our caucus,” Chatfield said. “In fact, if there’s any ‘Republican’ who thinks like this guy, we don’t want your vote either. We don’t support domestic terrorism.”
They also hate Smith because of his awesome signs.
I suspect they are also jealous of his car.
Do the voters of Michigan agree with the Republican Party choosing a Democrat over a Republican who dares to say that he doesn’t believe in an obvious hoax foisted on the people by the Democrats?
Do the Republican voters believe that the Republican Party should be enforcers of idiotic Democrat hoaxes?
What is going on here?
How are these people in charge of the party?
Why don’t the people organize against them?