Migrant Bites Security Guard’s Head at Randall’s Island Shelter

Head biter!

Do not allow!

New York Post:

A migrant viciously attacked and bit a security guard who intervened in a fight between the man and his wife inside the Randall’s Island shelter on Monday, sources said.

The 24-year-old aggressor, Oscar Adrian Al Ordonez, was arguing with his wife around 6:45 a.m. Monday within the tent city that houses asylum seekers when the 40-year-old guard stepped in to try and cool things down, the sources said.

But tensions flared when Ordonez suddenly slugged the worker, scratched him in the face and neck and even bit him on the head, according to the sources.

The guard fought back, punching Ordonez in the face, causing bruising and bleeding on his cheek, according to the sources.

Notice that all of these migrants in their 20s have wives.

No Americans in their 20s have wives.

Women have been convinced to stop breeding. These people are not going to stop breeding. We are going to be totally overwhelmed. Whites are not even going to exist in America in 50 years.