Trump Vows to Deploy Military for “Largest Mass Deportation Effort” in American History

Related: 51% of Americans, Including 42% of Democrats, Support Mass Deportations of Migrants

Wait, didn’t he say this last time?

New York Post:

Donald Trump has vowed to deliver the “largest mass deportation effort” in American history if he gets back into office next year, targeting millions of illegal migrants across the country.

The 45th president has frequently spoken about his deportation agenda, and recently indicated in a TIME Magazine interview that he would leverage local law enforcement, the National Guard and the military to carry out his plan — similar to the dragnet-style sweeps of “Operation Wetback” under former President Dwight Eisenhower that shipped more than 1 million migrants out in 1954.

The Trump 2024 campaign has not gotten into the details of what resources would be needed to find, detain and deport the “nearly 20 million” illegal migrants they say are currently in the US.

But carrying out an operation that large would require a massive expansion of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, collaboration with the State Department and a boost in funding from Congress, former ICE officials tell The Post.

The 20 million claim from the Trump campaign is “not an unreasonable estimate” given the fluctuations and record-breaking number of migrants entering the US under the Biden administration, Eric Ruark, NumbersUSA’s director of research, told The Post.

“There’s probably between 15 and 20 million, given the number of people we’ve seen coming over,” Ruark said, contrasting with the official estimate of 11 million from the US Census Bureau.

Is he going to build a wall also?