Mikhaila Peterson Begins Camwhore Career After Abandoning Her Baby and Failing as a Wife

Octavio Rivera
Daily Stormer
November 18, 2018

Ah, you think Jordan Peterson is your ally?

You merely adopted his advice. Mikhaila was born into it, molded by it.

We can see where that got her.

It’s been a while since we last looked at what the huge slut was up to. Since then, she officially failed as a mother and wife, and created a Youtube channel where she started her camwhoring career.

She’s too busy being a whore to take care of her own child.

The picture raised some questions about her relationship with her daughter, her relationship with her husband, and her relationship with her father. The answers I found are unsettling.

The first question is who the person on the background that is taking care of her daughter is. Is it her husband? Who is her husband, anyways? Where is he? Why haven’t we seen him? Did you notice? What do you see when you check her Instagram? Slutty pictures, a picture of her with Joe Rogan, a couple of pictures with her daughter, some with her brother, and more sluttly pictures.

Where is her man?

The answer is nowhere. She has no man.

This is the latest picture she uploaded of her husband:

More than a year has passed and she still hasn’t uploaded a new picture of him or both of them together.

This may sound counter-intuitive at first, but to answer why that is the case, it’s easier to look at her than to look at him.

From her blog, Don’t Eat That:

At the peak of my medicated times I was taking:

For Arthritis: Enbrel and Methotrexate, (immune suppressants). Folic acid because of the Methotrexate. Tylenol 3 so I could sleep at night without as much pain.

For depression: Cipralex and Wellbutrin

For fatigue: Adderall to keep me awake, Gravol and Lorazepam to put me to sleep from the Adderall.

For my skin: Minocycline (antibiotic), and later dapsone (antibiotic)

Other: Birth control (seasonique)

I’ve probably taken antibiotics 2-3 times a year since I was 2. That’s almost 40 rounds of antibiotics.

She’s been a living – and sometimes walking – pharmacy for most of her life. We also know she had her hip and ankle replaced in her teens, so she wasn’t very mobile before and immediately after that. One can only imagine the effects that had in her mind and relationships.

Imagine her social life back then. As if her parents being very weird people and her house screaming madness weren’t enough, she was also constantly in pain and endured surgeries and illnesses that are usually associated with old age.

She was clearly a very lonely girl.

Who would want to hang out with her, anyways?

The world is full of healthy, young, and easy women. The only kind of person that would choose Mikhaila Peterson over one of those normal women would be a very sick individual. Someone not right in the head, someone that can’t compete against other men for quality women. A loser.

Mikhaila Peterson knows this.

This is why she’s repulsed by her husband. She doesn’t want to display him as her prize, because he’s no prize. He’s the only thing she could get, as she’s the only thing he could get at the time. They didn’t choose each other, they just were the only thing they both had available at the time. But time changes, and now that she had a taste of normieland after feeling better because of her dietary changes, she can’t silence that voice inside of her. That voice that tells her “is he really the best I can do?”, louder and louder every day.


“I’m young, and I love to be young. I’m free, and I love to be free. To live my life the way I want. To say and do whatever I please.” – fav new oldies song You Don’t Own Me (Lesley Gore). What’s yours?

She fought against it. But she lost. Now she resents her husband, as she realized the disgusting loser he is for not being able to fuck normal women. She’s disgusted by him, because now she feels she’s one of those normal women. She’s out of his league now.

That is why she doesn’t want to be a mother anymore. She hates she had to bear that loser’s child, and so she abandons it.

Don’t Eat That:

I’ve caved and gotten a nanny, and she’s starting in 2 weeks. I wanted to do the stay at home mom thing (which is what I’ve been doing for the last 10.5 months) but I can’t do it. There are too many things that I want to be able to do that I can’t do with a baby. Serious kudos to people (like my own mom) who could do it. Taking care of a baby is a full-time job. And it’s incredibly rewarding but it’s hard when there are other things you’re missing out on. For me, that’s work, that’s the blog and writing.

Take a closer look at the way she worded that.

And it’s incredibly rewarding but it’s hard when there are other things you’re missing out on.”

That appears to be the constant theme in her life: missing out on things.

She missed out on a normal childhood, she missed out on normal parents, she missed out on normal relationships with her peers, she missed out on having fun on her teens, and now she’s terrified she’ll also miss out on the rest of her life, a life she now feels could finally be a normal one, because a loser knocked her up. Because she made a wrong decision. She doesn’t want to take responsibility for it. Why would she? Normal girls don’t, and she’s finally normal now.

Now her daughter will miss out on a proper mom.

The poor baby even had to stop Mikhaila from feeding her toxic milk, presumably a product of her mom’s “tallow and beef” diet.

Don’t Eat That:

I stopped breastfeeding August 27th right before the Joe Rogan podcast. It was bittersweet. Scarlett had naturally weaned herself down to just nursing at night, and she was only drinking about an oz. I nursed one day and she immediately threw it up. She never spits up food, but she’d spit up my milk.

Mikhaila was never really into the whole motherhood thing. Even while in labor, she was more concerned about her Facebook than about her about-to-come daughter, and did some weird hypnotism stuff to take her mind away from the whole thing. It’s no surprise that she didn’t care enough about her daughter to fix her diet and make her milk healthy for the little one.

She abandoned her daughter, and now it’s the turn of her husband.

Don’t Eat That:

Sorry about the incredibly long silence. I’m going through some personal life drama (nothing health related) and I’ve been incredibly busy. I’ll update everyone on that later.

She was very explicit. Her marriage is now only a facade she keeps up presumably because a divorce so soon would be a very bad thing for his father’s public image. After all, Dr. Jordan Peterson actively promotes modern marriage despite it being a terrible deal for men because life is suffering, goy bucko.

There is no space for her baby or her husband in her mind. Everything is about her, it’s all me me me me me me me everywhere she writes or talks. She loves talking about her and never really mentions her husband or baby as anything more than accessories to the stories about her that she loves to tell.

Mikhaila’s current situation and her being the daughter of Dr. Peterson makes complete sense once you understand what her father is really up to.

Dr. Peterson’s advice is meant to seduce those men that refuse to be a part of the Jew machinery. He doesn’t want you to be free, he wants you to be a less problematic slave.

Whether he does that due to malice, ignorance, stupidity, or because he’s being forced to do it, is something we have yet to answer. Remember, his family is cursed. Even he admits it.


The host says “This (depression) as we shall discover is kind of the family curse in the Peterson family isn’t it?” and Dr. Peterson answers, “one of the family curses.”

In the same interview, Dr. Jordan Peterson mentions his father and grandfather also being depressed. He doesn’t know abut his grandfather’s father because his grandfather was adopted.

We don’t know the exact mechanism his curses work, but we can observe their manifestations.


Literally I was so itchy that I would scratch my legs in my sleep and end up with bloody legs in my sleep.

Watch the following clip:

His life advice doesn’t work for him. He’s so depressed he gets random estrogen bursts that prevents him from reading a random paragraph without breaking in tears. It also doesn’t work for his daughter.

Don’t Eat That:

He told me he woke up this morning and figured he didn’t want to live with the anxiety anymore

His anxiety still isn’t under control. It’s under control enough to not need medication, but he still wakes up in the morning with the dread feeling.

Why would it work for you?