MILO Event Violently Shut Down by Anti-Fascists Because They Think a Gay Jew is New Hitler

Ben Richards
Daily Stormer
January 14, 2017

Anti-fascists are dumb people. They think a faggot Jew named MILO is literally Hitler.

A group of violent anti-fascists were able to shut down a planned MILO event on the campus of UC Davis yesterday. Based on how they acted, these fools seem to believe that a gay Jew who brags about having sex with Black men is the next reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. This situation shows how stupid our political enemies are.

Daily Caller:

Protests and fights at the University of California, Davis shut down a Milo Yiannopulos event there on Friday.

Yiannopoulos, an editor at Breitbart News, was set to speak at the sold out event as part of his “Dangerous Faggot Tour.” The openly gay conservative provocateur was invited to speak at UC-Davis by the school’s College Republicans. Martin Shkreli, the controversial entrepreneur, was also scheduled to appear.

Campus leftists had called on UC-Davis administrators to cancel the event. Yiannopoulos is hated by many on the Left who believe that he is racist and sexist.

Here’s some video taken by MILO’s cameraman who was out documenting the anti-fascist degenerates. Quite the angry bunch. One can only imagine how they would behave if the event featured an actual Nazi.

Obviously MILO is not another Hitler. He is the furthest thing from that. He is a Jewish controlled opposition figure who the Jewish media unsuccessfully tried to sell as the face of the Alt-Right. This campus speaking tour he’s on right now was probably meant to be part of that.

It appears as if the plan was to get young people with nationalist leanings to follow and adopt the ideas of a homosexual Jew pushing a watered down political message. MILO as a gay Jew does not discuss race or the Jewish question. This is critical as these are the two most important ideological components within the Alt-Right. Very few seem to have bought into this though.

Based on this, it would not surprise me if MILO eventually repackages himself into a more mainstream brand. His six figure book deal with Simon & Schuster makes this a possibility. Who knows, he could even get a Fox News show at some point.

Despite all of that, these anti-fascists were able to assemble a large group of dumb people to protest MILO for being a racist Nazi or something. It is totally comical to watch these retards violently protest and shut down an event featuring a gay Jew.

Since most of these anti-fascist groups are financed with Jewish money, it looks as if this incident was nothing but a Jewish circle jerk with Jews controlling both sides.  I bet the Jews are laughing about this one behind closed doors.