Minnedishu: Somali Ex-Policebulb Found Guilty of Fatally Shooting White Woman While on Duty

Mohamed Noor.

This is bretty gud news.

I expected him to just be convicted of manslaughter.

Or just, you know – let off with a warning.

MPR News:

Former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor was convicted Tuesday on charges of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the killing of 911 caller Justine Ruszczyk.

The jury acquitted him of second-degree intentional murder. Noor was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs following the verdict. Sentencing is scheduled for June 7.

It’s believed to be the first time a police officer in Minnesota has been convicted of murder for shooting someone while on duty. Nationwide, such convictions are extremely rare.

The case was unusual, too, because prosecutors and police are typically allies in criminal cases.

This time, though, prosecutors rapped the quality of the early investigation by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the apparent unwillingness of some Minneapolis police officers to cooperate.

The July 15, 2017 incident began after Ruszczyk, who was also known as Justine Damond, called police that night to report a possible sexual assault in the alley behind her Minneapolis home.

Noor, one of the responding officers, shot and killed her as she approached the police squad vehicle where Noor and his partner, officer Matthew Harrity, sat. Noor shot once from the passenger side, through the driver’s side window, hitting Ruszczyk.

Justine Ruszczyk.