Minnesota: Senate Passes Bill Allowing Abortion Until Birth

We never should have allowed the Swedes into our country.

Nah, I’m just joking. They’re normal. But frankly, it is just wild how the Swedes seem to be biologically inclined to serve feminist liberalism – even when they are sixth or seventh generation and are probably not even aware they are Swedish unless they researched their surnames.

Life Site News:

The Minnesota Senate on Saturday passed a bill that will allow abortion for any reason up until birth, putting the state on par with “China and North Korea,” as one pro-life leader pointed out.

Now expected to be signed into law by Democratic Governor Tim Walz, who has a 100 percent rating from Planned Parenthood, the so-called Protect Reproductive Options (PRO) Act asserts a woman’s “fundamental right” to “obtain an abortion.”

The bill further forbids Minnesota localities from enacting protections for the unborn that would impose any “more restrictive” limits on abortion, meaning anything that would ban even partial-birth abortion, as lawmakers earlier decided.

Earlier this month, Republicans proposed amendments to the PRO Act that would have limit late-term and partial-birth abortions, but they were rejected by the Democrat-controlled Minnesota House Health Finance and Policy Committee.

Senators approved the bill by just a one-vote margin, 34-33, according to LifeNews, while it passed the Minnesota House 69-65, a nearly party-line vote.

Tim Miller, executive director of Pro-Life Action Ministries Action, has warned that once the bill becomes law, it means “An unborn child can be murdered up to one second before they leave their mother’s birth canal.”

“There will be no requirement for an abortion to take place in a clinic setting and a doctor is no longer needed,” said Miller, who also pointed out it will mean “a school counselor can take a student to an abortion clinic without their parents’ knowledge.”

The bill’s disregard for parental consent to abortion has led Cathy Blaeser, co-executive director of Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, to decry what she says is the bill’s facilitation of sex trafficking.

The lack of parental involvement allows the most heinous of criminals—human and sex traffickers—to hide behind the doors of the unlicensed, uninspected abortion facility,” said Blaeser, reported LifeNews. “These traffickers are happily watching this legislature advance extreme, unfettered abortion bills that enable them to continue to traffic their victims.”

“The absolutist extremism of this bill would put Minnesota in the company of just a handful of countries worldwide, among them China and North Korea,” Blaeser has also pointed out in a statement. “Mothers and babies deserve a far more humane and compassionate approach.”

The bill’s lead sponsor, Democrat state Rep. Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn, has defended the radical legislation with the declaration, “I know that not every positive pregnancy test is a celebration and not every ultrasound appointment ends with good news. I, as a politician, have no business making that decision for someone else.”

Minnesota Republican lawmakers, however, vehemently disagree.

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson had denounced the PRO Act as “the most extreme bill in the country regarding youth sterilization, late-term abortions, and public liability for a vast array of reproductive services.”

LifeNews had noted that other anti-life legislation has been introduced in Minnesota, including H.F. 91/S.F. 70, which would “repeal a law protecting newborns who survive abortion.”

Along with doing Swedish style feminism, the Minnesotans are also totally obsessed with mass immigration from Somalia, something you only see elsewhere in… Sweden.

If nothing else, what is going on in Minnesota proves that behavior is totally genetic, and that even among similar white people, you have seriously specific patterns of behavior that express themselves totally outside of culture or geography.

In a healthy America, the Swedes of Minnesota would be cooperative with the national agenda. But when the national agenda is liberalism, they go all in and take it to a whole other level.

Anime is right about women