Mother of 10-Year-Old Boy Gang-Raped by Hajis Says She Regrets Telling Him to Trust Immigrants

Daily Stormer
February 8, 2016


I regret it too.

What’s more, I regret living in a society that allows idiot females to put their own children in danger because of fantastical, retarded beliefs.

Vox News:

A desperate woman, destroyed by feelings of reget. The mother of a 10 year old, raped by an Iraqi refugee in an Austrian pool, said she regretted and felt guilty for having taught her children to trust and be cozy with migrants.

The man defended himself by saying that he had a ‘sexual Emergency,’ the woman called the ‘defense’ of a refugee as ‘simply monstrous.’

The child’s mother, who arrived in Austria in the 90s from Serbia, said she had always taught her five sons to offer the same hospitality to newcomers that she had received. But not all immigrants are the same.

She hoped that the fugitive is convicted and then expelled. And she confessed to being deeply regretted to have taught her children to be comfortable with migrants.

The child, Goran, had to be hospitalized with serious wounds and his mother said her son cried every night after the violence.