See, this is what happens when the government stops prescribing OxyContin – the blacks shoot up the hospital.
We now know that those Jews shilling OxyContin were only trying to stop the blacks from shooting up the hospital. It was Tikkun Olam, once again thwarted by the goyim!
Michael Louis, the man who allegedly shot up Saint Francis Hospital on Wednesday, deliberately targeted surgeon Preston Phillips, whom he blamed for “ongoing pain” following a surgery the doctor had performed on his back, Tulsa authorities revealed during a press conference on Thursday.
The other three victims, Dr. Stephanie Husen, receptionist Amanda Green, and patient William Love, merely “stood in the way” as Louis attempted to kill the doctor who had operated on him the previous month, Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin explained.
Did they literally stand in the way? Like “I’m gonna take a bullet for my nigga”?
Probably not.
It’s much more likely that this was just a normal revenge murder, and these bystanders were only shot because black people can’t aim. That is to say: it wasn’t a “mass shooting” at all.
Investigators reportedly found a letter on Louis’ person in which he “blamed Dr. Phillips for the ongoing pain following the surgery” he had performed on the alleged shooter and “made it clear that he came in with the intent to kill Dr. Phillips and anyone who got in his way,” the police chief continued.
The Muskogee, Oklahoma resident allegedly bought the AR-type rifle recovered at the scene at a local gun store earlier on Wednesday, and also purchased a handgun at a pawn shop on May 29. He was released from the hospital on May 24, five days after Phillips operated on him, and “called several times over several days complaining of pain and want[ing] additional treatment,” according to Franklin.
Hospital CEO Cliff Robertson insisted the clinic had adequately responded to Louis’ medical concerns, adding that the suspect had visited the hospital for an appointment the day before the shooting. Expressing shock that anyone would want to kill Dr. Phillips, whom he called a “consummate gentleman,” he said no one was aware of the surgeon being concerned about his safety with regard to Louis or any other patient.
Louis was found dead of a gunshot wound on the second floor of the hospital’s Natalie Medical Building, near where the shooting took place, allegedly having killed himself after shooting his doctor and the three other victims.
But wait.
The doctor was also black.
Wasn’t Affirmative Action also a Jewish idea?
Yes, of course it was. Emanuel Celler, the same Jew who did the 1965 Immigration Act, also introduced the 1965 Civil Rights Act. It’s not in the Wikipedia page, but I’m pretty sure I remember reading (maybe from Kevin MacDonald) that the lawyers who took Griggs v. Duke Power Co. to the Supreme Court were also Jews. That was the case that said that Title IX of the Civil Rights Act meant that it was illegal to give black people IQ tests.
Whoever argued that case though, after the Civil Rights Act passed, Affirmative Action was destiny. If anyone didn’t want to hire blacks, they could just require an IQ test score of 90 or above, or implement some other intelligence test, effectively making a law requiring the forced hiring of blacks irrelevant. Therefore, the Civil Rights Act made it illegal to judge nonwhites (or women) on their intelligence in hiring, making AA impossible to avoid. This is just the way law works, and it’s why so many people were against ending the American principle of “free association” in the first place.
If you followed any of that stuff with the Trump Administration trying to overturn Affirmative Action university practices (using Asians, of course, so they didn’t get accused of racism), you know that it all goes back to “well, you would have to overturn the Civil Rights Act.” But of course, even conservatives who are still willing to complain about AA won’t call for overturning the Civil Rights Act, so they are just jacking off, arguing for changes every lawyer knows is impossible.
(It’s the same thing as Ted Cruz claiming he supports gun rights but being unwilling to call for repealing the National Firearms Act of 1934, which actually made the Second Amendment largely irrelevant.)
I don’t think blacks really care, but everyone who sees a black doctor just assumes he is an AA hire. It’s possible that he’s not, of course. There are definitely some blacks who are smart enough to be doctors. It’s just that the percentage of blacks smart enough to be doctors without AA is so small that statistically speaking, any black doctor is almost certain to be unqualified for the job and pushed through schooling and hiring by AA laws.
That’s why no one would let a black doctor do surgery on their back, other than some low IQ black guy.
Everyone else he killed was white, by the way. Just for the record.
The Democrats responded to the Buffalo shooting by calling for an end to the First Amendment and responded to the Uvalde shooting by calling for an end to the Second Amendment. Most likely, they’re going to respond to this Tulsa shooting by calling for a reboot of their highly profitable pain pill industry.
Purdue Pharma is owned by the Jew Sackler family, and over the last few years they’ve been getting sued to death for getting everyone addicted to OxyContin. The OxyContin thing was of course total terrorism, but by the time they banned it, everyone had already moved on to heroin and now fentanyl – which the government is decriminalizing.
The move against OxyContin also caused a chilling effect on the prescribing of normal opioids, which are not nearly as dangerous or addictive as OxyContin. These drugs had been around for centuries.
Opioid cough syrup was sold over the counter for literally hundreds of years, and we didn’t have some epidemic of abuse.
Of course, now blacks have started getting addicted to “Lean” – which is codeine cough syrup. But I mean, frankly, that’s better than them smoking crack. Trayvon Martin had Arizona iced tea and Skittles when he attacked George Zimmermann – these are what they put in the codeine cough syrup to make it taste better. If he had already drank the Lean, he would not have attacked George, and would still be alive today.
He could have fulfilled his dream to go into outer space while all hecked up on lean.
Anyway, point being: banning normal opioid pain medication as a response to OxyContin wasn’t really helpful to society. Obviously, pain pills can be abused, and I’m sure even in the 1800s people were abusing codeine cough syrup, but drug addiction is largely a social problem. OxyContin was different, because they were tricking people into becoming addicted to very hard drugs.
I’m not a libertarian, and I don’t support “legalizing all drugs,” but I do think that every decision the government makes – whether it is in regulation or deregulation – is designed to inflict maximum damage on society. If someone has serious back pain as a result of botched surgery by an Affirmative Action doctor, I don’t think a prescription of Vicodin is going to turn them into a street zombie living in a tent in San Francisco.