At this point, we have no way at all of determining if something printed by the media is just totally made up whole-cloth or contains whatever amount of truth.
That said, I would expect, given what the government is doing, for increasingly desperate people who don’t have anything to lose after the coronavirus hoax, to just start going totally nuts in significant numbers.
A Napa County man was charged Tuesday with violations of federal weapons laws after investigators discovered a trove of pipe bombs and firearms at his home and business.
Ian Benjamin Rogers, 44, was found in possession of five pipe bombs, 49 firearms and two dozen ammunition boxes containing thousands of rounds, according to an affidavit filed by FBI Special Agent Stephanie Minor. Investigators also found materials “that could be used to manufacture explosive devices” and a copy of “The Anarchist Cookbook.”
Minor’s affidavit stated that she is assigned to the Domestic Terrorism Squad of the FBI’s San Francisco Field Office.
“Several of the firearms, including what appears to be a kit-built replica MG-42 belt-fed machine gun, appear to be capable of firing fully automatic,” according to the allegations in the affidavit.
Investigators recovered text messages from Rogers’ phone that allegedly reflect his belief that “Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election and [Rogers’] intent to attack Democrats and places associated with Democrats in an effort to ensure Trump remained in office.”
The affidavit alleged that Rogers displayed a decal on his website proclaiming his membership in a group referred to as “Three Percenters.” Minor said the term is associated with “people who ascribe to extreme anti-government, pro-gun beliefs … a reference to the belief that only three percent of American colonists fought against the British in the American Revolution.”
The affidavit contained a photo of a so-called “White Privilege Card” found by investigators that stated “Trumps Everything.” The cardholder’s name is shown to be “Scott Free.”
The affidavit quoted Jan. 10 text messages recovered from Rogers’ phone in which he allegedly texted, “I hope 45 goes to war if he doesn’t I will,” “I want to blow up a democrat building bad,” and “The democrats need to pay.”
Minor stated that based on her investigation and training, those texts and others evidenced “Rogers’ belief that Trump (“45”) actually won the presidential election and should ‘go to war’ to ensure he remained in power.”
She believes that the messages show “Rogers’ intent to engage in acts of violence himself locally if there was not an organized ‘war’ to prevent Joe Biden from assuming the presidency.”
Citing texts that refer to a “sac office first target” and to “bird and face,” the agent alleged that Rogers meant “their first target should be the offices of California Governor Gavin Newsom in Sacramento” and that the offices of Twitter (“bird”) and Facebook (“face”) would be next because they locked Trump’s accounts to prevent him from sending messages on those platforms.
The affidavit reports that a bomb technician associated with the Napa County Sheriff’s Office examined the seized pipe bombs and preliminarily determined them to be “fully operational.”
As I’ve said, I think removing their ability to vent their frustration is a purposeful move by the federal government to provoke them into violence, because they use violence as a way to forward their own agenda.
But of course, if the violence doesn’t happen, or if some cops that aren’t in on the scheme arrest people trying to do it, they will just start faking it.
I pipe bomb is – I mean, you know. You can’t really have an excuse for having that. But they are also going to start doing raids on people with guns, and falsely claiming that they said on the internet they were going to shoot up the Democrats or something.
Anyway, you’re just going to see stories like this one basically nonstop from now on.
They’re trying to create the illusion that there is some secret Trump Nazi Army (TNA) operating across the country in some coordinated fashion. That’s the underlying message they’re attempting to convey. And the more actual violence they can inspire, the better it is for their agenda.
The Daily Stormer, as always, is Buddha-tier Zen. (Obviously a bit tongue-in-cheek, but seriously: they are trying to get you to commit violent crimes. Don’t do it. No one gains anything, other than the cops.)