Nationalist Finns Catch Media Attention with KKK Costumes and Molotov Cocktails

MV Lehti
September 26, 2015

The Finnish government is condemning the outbursts of its own people.

Halloween came early this year? No, it is just Finns demonstrating outside a refugee centre

Tasteful? No. Politically correct? Certainly not. Media catching? Definitely yes!

Only yesterday the people living in Lahti, a town in southern Finland, learnt from the news that there are buses full of asylum seekers, hundreds of them, on their way from the north of Finland to the south, to their town.

The move was prepared in secrecy by the local authorities, the Immigration Office and Red Cross. The reason for the secrecy was to avoid any resistance and uproar caused by the new refugee centre in Lahti.

It did not quite work out the way these authorities wanted. Some forty local people convened in the evening for an ad hoc demonstration outside the new refugee centre, one dressed as a Ku Klux Klan member.

The demonstrators were in place when the first bus arrived after midnight with about forty asylum seekers on board. The demonstrators greeted the newcomers by waving their Finnish flags, shouting their slogans, using fire crackers and throwing stones at the bus to exhibit their deep dissatisfaction.

Two demonstrators were caught. One was fined for careless use of fireworks and the other for disrupting peace. The police are still investigating the case. The prime minister Juha Sipilä, who promised one of his houses to the refugees, is disgusted, as is the multicultural majority of the parliament.


Ari Saarinen from Red Cross says: “The demonstrators scared the asylum seekers.”

More buses have arrived since last night and one is yet to arrive tonight. The mood is somewhat expectant as open irritation towards asylum seekers rises.

Not so far away from Lahti, a Molotov cocktail was thrown late last night at the entrance of a refugee centre in Kouvola. A man of about 50 was arrested after the incident. The man is accused of arson.

The situation is getting tense, because about 400 to 500 asylum seekers enter from Sweden to Finland each day, mostly from Iraq that Sweden has declared a safe country, and new refugee centers pop up all around Finland; often without any advance information, which makes the local people nervous.

Rape statistics show that men from Africa and Middle East rape 17 times more often when their population is proportioned and compared to the Finns’ rape numbers.

New “Close borders!” demonstrations are planned for the 3rd of October in both the south and the north of Finland, and a new movement has been established. It carries the legacy of the notorious Lapua Movement that was banned in 1932. The new name is Operation White Bear and it uses the symbol of the former Lapua Movement. This time the resuscitated movement aims at beating multiculturalism and cultural marxism, as well as taking back the country’s independence by separating from the European Union. The new movement is headed by Susanna Kaukinen, who is an outspoken, intelligent and fiercely brave woman with abundant energy.

Finland is quite an interesting place to be at the moment.
