So, um.
Now high-level military officials are saying they’re going to fight a war with *checks notes* to fight a war with China.
Okay, guy.
Good luck.
A US Navy commander has warned that the US will be prepared to “fight and win” in a war against China should “deterrence” prove unsuccessful in the Indo-Pacific amid claims Beijing is “militarizing” in the region.
US Indo-Pacific commander Adm. John C. Aquilino said in an interview with the Associated Press published on Sunday that over the past two decades China had been conducting “the largest military buildup since World War II” and that their “buildup of weaponization is destabilizing to the region.”
Aquilino claimed that while the US military’s mission is to allegedly “prevent war” in the region – the Pentagon would be ready to fight and win in a conflict against China.
“Should deterrence fail, my second mission is to be prepared to fight and win.”
Fight them why?
Because Taiwan is an “independent country” now, by declaration of Antony Blinken and Lloyd Austin?
Have people forgotten the age-old adage?
These people are unhinged, and they’re stupid.
Obviously, this World War III scenario is not in the interests of the American people.
The American people have nothing to do with the Ukraine or Taiwan. The fact that the media is able to whip people into a frenzy with idiotic lies does not mean that America has interests in these places, it just means that the media is extremely powerful and Americans are decadent and dumb.
There is zero difference between the American public being manipulated into thinking it’s a good idea to have a World War than a little boy being manipulated into thinking it’s a good idea to chop his dick off. It’s the exact same thing.
But what’s more – and what is maybe more important – is that this plan is not even in the interests of the globalists and Jews themselves. This is not good strategy. At all. Good strategy from the globalist perspective would have been to side with either China or Russia to isolate the other.
Probably, you would want to side with Russia, because they are white, meaning that with enough badgering they would accept all this anal feminist multiculturalism stuff. Then you would unite the world against China, by actually offering people something, rather than bullying and threatening them with checks they know you can’t cash.
But it’s too late for that. These people screwed up the entire world.
Again: the chess board analogy. There are only a certain number of possible moves, and every move you make, your options for moves becomes fewer.
We have already reached endgame, and the outcome is already determined.
There is no series of moves that the US Empire can make and actually win.
They’ve backed themselves into a corner, and now all they can really do is stall.