Navy Lowering Requirements, Recruiting Dipshits Who Flunked Out of High School

The rush to get white males (as well as anyone else they can find) into the military as quickly as possible has led many to suggest we are headed for some kind of major and serious war.

However, while that may indeed be the case, people need to step back and consider the actual numbers.

I wish I had the time to look up some serious data about what kind of numbers the US’ own think tanks have estimated they would need for a global confrontation with “anti-democracy countries” – that is, the three-front war that they are agitating with against Russia, Iran, and China. But it’s Sunday. I don’t have time for that shit.

The bottom line is, they would need a draft. And it would be a much more serious draft than Vietnam. It would be a World War II style draft.

And that doesn’t begin to touch on the “readiness,” which relates to both training, strategic and tactical preparation, and not only restocking all of the stocks that have gone unattended over the last 30-40 years, but developing all kinds of new technologies to deal with the current reality of modern warfare.

No one can yet say “drones have made the aircraft carrier, and thus the entire American military platform, obsolete.” But the game is sure as hell a lot different than it was in 2003, and the US military has not developed at all since that point.

Anyway, it is Sunday and I’ve written about this a lot before. But I do not believe there is really any possibility that the US military is ever going to be capable of fighting this war that, by all appearances, it is planning to fight.

Mark Milley dipped out specifically because he said this was all ridiculous and delusional. He basically said that the US should surrender in the Ukraine, because they lack the ability to even escalate that one war, and now we’re talking about a war against all Moslems, which would be backed by Russia and China.

I don’t think you really have to worry much about this actually happening. If it did happen, the US would lose really quickly.

New York Post:

The US Navy is starting to enlist individuals who didn’t graduate from high school or get a GED, marking the second time in about a year that the service has opened the door to lower-performing recruits as it struggles to meet enlistment goals.

The decision follows a move in December 2022 to bring in a larger number of recruits who score very low on the Armed Services Qualification Test.

Both are fairly rare steps that the other military services largely avoid or limit, even though they are all finding it increasingly difficult to attract the dwindling number of young people who can meet the military’s physical, mental and moral standards.

Under the new plan, Navy recruits without an education credential will be able to join as long as they score 50 or above on the qualification test, which is out of 99.

The last time the service took individuals without education credentials was in 2000.

“We get thousands of people into our recruiting stations every year that want to join the Navy but do not have an education credential. And we just turn them away,” said Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman, the Navy’s chief of personnel, in an interview Friday with The Associated Press.

He said that of the more than 2,400 who were turned away last year, as many as 500 of them could score high enough to get in.

He said he has already sent an order to his recruiters to start the new expanded effort, adding, “I’m hoping all my recruiters have called all 2,442 of them in the last 72 hours, and we’ll see how it goes … We’ll try to get some test takers this weekend.”

Most likely, the US economy will collapse internally due to external pressure within the next 15 years or so, which will cause the dollar to lose around 75% of its value, which will make funding the foreign war machine impossible.

It will also make funding the current war against the domestic population impossible, and will presumably result in revolutionary changes within the domestic landscape.

Overall, while many are preaching total doom on the horizon, the actual outlook in the long-term and even in the medium term is very good. I know I’m pretty dismissive of the whole Trump 2024 plan, but if we zoom out just a little bit, I’m incredibly optimistic about the future of America.

From all of the data I can see, the empire is exhausting itself. It will inevitably fall, and then a new world order will rise, where China is the undisputed world power, and that will then lead to a total transformation of the national identity of Americans. Most of the immigrants will leave voluntarily. States will reassume their states’ rights when the feds no longer have the ability to control them by subsidizing them. There might be some kind of confederacy.

Meanwhile, feminism will die when there is no big government to support it, and men will be reinvigorated when they once again have access to women. We will have new leaders, a new identity, a new era of hope, light, and prosperity.