Nebraska: Journalist and Mother of 9 Fired for Gathering Signatures to Ban Baby-Killing

We are very much at the point warned of in the Bible where evil is celebrated as good and good is denounced as evil.

We’ve been there for a while, but now it’s just getting ridiculous.

It’s basically illegal to say that it’s bad to kill children.


A North Platte television news director was fired by her station for helping collect signatures for a ballot initiative to ban abortions in the neighboring town of Curtis.

A television news director from western Nebraska will clean out her desk Monday night after the station fired her over the weekend for helping collect signatures for a ballot initiative to ban abortions in the neighboring town of Curtis.

The vice president and general manager of KNOP, a NBC affiliate, in North Platte confirmed Melanie Standiford was fired for violating company policies on Friday – the same day the Flatwater Free Press quoted Standiford about a petition drive in Curtis.

Standiford, 50, and a mother of nine, said she didn’t report on the specific ballot initiative. However, a review of KNOP’s website shows Standiford reported on the issue multiple times.

“The lady that does the anti-abortion prayer chain in North Platte, Nebraska, said to me: ‘I thought you were pro-choice,’” Standiford said. “Everybody in North Platte thought I was pro-choice because I was so balanced and so careful to make sure that I never showed anything but that. I was very fair.”

Curtis, a town of around 800 people in Southwest Nebraska’s Frontier County, will vote to ban abortion this November. Standiford collected signatures for the ballot initiative at her church.

She told the Flatwater Free Press that everyone in Curtis knew Standiford was a Christian and anti-abortion. In her mind, the Curtis ordinance would be so widely supported that it wouldn’t be controversial.

The Flatwater Free Press also asked Standiford about her involvement with the petition and how that impacts her coverage as a news director.

“You’re probably right, I probably, maybe shouldn’t have even done that,” she said. “But who knew it would be an issue?”

Curtis, also home to the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, is one of six towns where voters will determine the fates of local abortion bans, although some legal experts question the effort’s impact on abortion access.

The North Platte Bulletin reported and social media posts indicate there were some North Platte-area residents who objected to Standiford’s firing and gathered outside the station’s building on Monday.

Shannon Booth, the KNOP vice president and general manager, said in a statement that Standiford has been fired and she wishes the best for her.

“KNOP can confirm that our long-standing company policy encourages civic involvement among our employees, so long as such activities do not give the appearance of interfering with journalistic impartiality,” Booth said in a statement. “In furtherance of that qualification, KNOP’s news personnel are not permitted, at any time and regardless of beliefs, to actively engage in any political activity for any candidate, party, or ballot initiative.”

“I planned on anchoring the news and producing the news on Saturday and Sunday because I let one of my employees have the weekend off,” she said.

In her eyes, she was able to separate her personal beliefs and professional life. She also said she didn’t force anyone else to sign the petition – she just merely presented the option.

You need to understand: the US government does force businesses to have very specific hiring practices. We do not have any free association. If you run a business, you are forced to hire black people, colored folks, BIPOCs, and even straight-up coons. They force you to hire women and faggots. Now they are forcing you to hire trannies. The government will sue you for not hiring the people they tell you to hire, and then it’s really impossible to fire them.

We do not live in a libertarian society, at all. The government is deeply involved in the employment practices of businesses. And yet, the government refuses to protect people from getting fired for their political views.

Meanwhile, you have all of these very powerful Jewish organizations, from the ADL and SPLC to the Human Rights Project and The Center for Reproductive Rights, which lobby businesses to fire people who say the wrong thing in their private lives, while always threatening that their co-ethnics in the Jew media will wage a defamation campaign against any business that refuses to fire the people they tell them to fire.

There is zero benefit to a business in refusing to fire people. When it comes to publicly traded companies, it’s more or less illegal to refuse to fire someone that the pressure groups demand you fire, as you are violating a fiduciary duty by bringing down the media smear machine onto the company. For a small business, you’re just committing suicide.

Given all of these very clear and specific factors involved, one can only conclude that the government is involved in a conspiracy to destroy the livelihoods of anyone who disagrees with the Democrat Party.

She has an account for support on LifeFunder, and Twitter put a trigger warning on the link