Nebraska: One Negro and Two White Teens Linked to Murder of White Omaha Man

Left to right: Caleb Lott, Daniel Camerlinck and Davion Wallace.

This is what happens when whites are forced to mix with blacks – standards constantly drop, society becomes more and more dysgenic until eventually, many whites end up becoming nothing more than spiritual niggers themselves.


Omaha Police say they have arrested three men in connection with a homicide.

On Monday, police found the body of 21-year-old Dustin Moheng in the yard of a Millard neighborhood.

The body was found in the area of Ash and Weir Streets.

Police say that Caleb Lott, 18; Daniel Camerlinck, 19; and Davion Wallace, 19 were arrested in connection with this homicide.

According to police, Lott was booked for Accessory to a Felony. Wallace and Camerlinck were booked for criminal homicide.

Dustin Moheng.