Ned Price Says Nothing Can Stop US from Using Ukrainians as Pawns to Fight Russia

The flip side of this is that nothing will compel the US to engage in diplomacy and end the war.


State Department spokesman Ned Price told CNN on Friday that “nothing will dissuade” the Biden administration from funneling weapons to Ukraine. Earlier, Russia reportedly sent a diplomatic cable to Washington warning of “unpredictable consequences” if these arms shipments continue.

“The Russians have said some things privately, they have said some things publicly; nothing will dissuade us from the strategy that we’ve embarked on,” Price told CNN’s Kate Bolduan. If the Kremlin is concerned that the Biden administration is “providing billions of dollars worth of security assistance to our Ukrainian partners … then we’re guilty as charged,” he added.

The US has sent more than $2.5 billion worth of arms and other military aid to Ukraine since Russia launched its offensive in February. Initially shipping thousands of anti-tank missiles and ammunition to the war-torn country, the Biden administration has more recently forwarded heavier weapons to the government of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Everyone who says they “support the Ukraine” supports Ukrainians dying for US interests.

It’s just so retarded.

Zelensky was installed by the US, so of course he is going to say that he supports the positions of the US. He’s a Jew, and he made sure Jews were all allowed to flee, while he will not allow Christian men to flee his war.

Russia is not trying to conquer the Ukraine. They are trying to take back territory that belongs to them because for eight years the Ukraine has been killing their people, and they are trying to stop the Ukraine from joining NATO and putting nukes on their border.

Not one single Ukrainian’s life is going to be improved by the Ukraine joining NATO, and not one single Ukrainians life would be harmed by the Donbass seceding. They are not fighting for US interests, they are fighting for ZOG globalist interests.

Homosexuals like Ned Price going up there and acting like this is about American altruism is just disgusting.

America continues to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia to slaughter people in Yemen.

Children are being purposefully starved to death in a campaign of terror.

And the media just doesn’t talk about Yemen.

This is so stupid. That’s what’s so frustrating. It’s all just moronic. None of it would be possible if people had any basic understanding of what is going on in the world.

It’s a world of lies, and Americans are going to get what they deserve for not standing up for the truth.