Negro Ape Doctor Anally Rapes Two Female Patients

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2018

Ryan Williams.

If you can avoid it, you should never go anywhere near Blacks.

Especially if going near them would mean trusting them while you’re in a vulnerable position, like in a hospital.

News 5 Cleveland:

Ryan Williams is a colorectal surgeon who is accused of raping two women in 2008 and 2009.

He left the Cleveland Clinic last summer for another hospital where he was placed on administrative leave after his employers discovered the allegations against him, according to police reports obtained by USA Today.

The first alleged rape happened on April 11, 2008 when a patient was receiving a rectal exam from Williams. The patient said Williams inserted his penis into her rectum during the exam.

Fast forward to February 6, 2009, when Kristin Fehr went to see Williams to have a hemorrhoid removed.

According to a police report obtained by News 5, Fehr told police that Williams brought her into the examination room alone where he gave her two white pills and a cup of water, saying she needed to take them immediately.

She recalled groggily getting on the table and leaving the medical center in a haze with her then-boyfriend.

She remembered being pushed from behind, turning and seeing Wliiams holding his penis.