Negro Congresswoman Who Stole White Woman’s Seat Complains of Racism

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2017

African royalty Sheila Jackson Lee demanded the first class seat a white woman paid for and United Airlines obliged.

You see, in this here land of post-Rosa Parks “progress,” entitled and corrupt niggers send whitey to the back of the bus!

Somehow, in this abusive exercise of power, Texas Democratic Representative Lee feels she is the aggrieved party. Complaining that a black stole a seat you paid extra for is racist.

According to Lee, she needed the first class seat she didn’t reserve because she had important legislative work to do. Yeah, I’m sure. The flight from Houston to DC only takes 3 hours, but you know how hard Congress works to “help people”!

New York Post:

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who was accused by a United Airlines passenger of bumping her from a first-class seat, said in a Twitter screed on Tuesday that she believes the incident is all about race.

“Since this was not any fault of mine, the way the individual continued to act appeared to be, upon reflection, because I was an African American woman, seemingly an easy target along with the African American flight attendant who was very, very nice,” the Texas Democrat wrote in a post. “This saddens me, especially at this time of year given all of the things we have to work on to help people.”

“But in the spirit of this season and out of the sincerity of my heart, if it is perceived that I had anything to do with this, I am kind enough to simply say sorry,” Jackson Lee continued. “But as an African American, I know there are too many examples like this all over the nation.”

Jean-Marie Simon, 63, said she was tossed out of her first-class seat on a Houston-to-Washington, DC, flight Dec. 18 to make way for Jackson Lee.

The teacher from Washington, DC, said in a Facebook post two days later that she saw a uniformed United employee pull Jackson Lee from the priority boarding line and escort her to a first-class seat before any other passengers got on the plane.

When Simon went to board with her first-class ticket, an agent said it wasn’t in the system. Another United attendant told her that had changed her reservation an hour earlier and upgraded another passenger to her seat.

Simon later learned the congresswoman ended up in her seat.

But Jackson Lee, in her tweets, said she did “nothing wrong.”

In other words: “sorry, not sorry.”

This is how identity politics is meant to be used: to shield incompetent and abusive middle managers Jews appoint to rule us from criticism. Hillary Clinton utilized the “sexist” trope in a similar fashion.

A scumbag politician uses their power over one of the little people but because the former is black, she gets to pretend to be the victim.

So go to the back of the bus whitey. This ain’t your country anymore.