Negro Professor Who Moonlighted as Uber Driver Arrested for Kidnapping Three Women in One Night

Richard Lomotey.

Okay, the part about him kidnapping three women – that I can believe.

But you’re telling me that this moonfaced darkie was a professor of technology at Penn State?

Teaching students about komputahs ‘n’ sheeeeiiittt?

Clown World, man.

ABC News:

A Penn State professor with a side job as a Pittsburgh Uber driver who was arrested this month for allegedly kidnapping two women is now accused of kidnapping a third woman that same night.

The third woman spoke with police on May 16, saying that on May 11, she was outside at a nightclub when she saw a car with an Uber decal and jumped in the front passenger seat, according to a criminal complaint filed on Monday.

She hadn’t used the Uber app but gave her address and $10 cash to the driver, later identified as 36-year-old Richard Lomotey, according to the criminal complaint.

As he drove, the woman said Lomotey kept asking about her relationship status. She said she replied that “she was engaged and did not want to participate in any sexual activities with him,” but claimed Lomotey held and grabbed her wrist during the ride, according to court documents.

The passenger said every time she unlocked the car doors, Lomotey would lock them, the documents said.

“They began tussling because she wanted to leave the vehicle,” the documents said, and “during the tussle her shirt and bra were ripped.”

She told police “she was so afraid she opened the door and jumped from the moving vehicle at an unknown location” and the car sped off.

Lomotey is an assistant professor of information science and technology at Penn State University, according to the school website.

Lisa Powers, a spokeswoman at Penn State, told ABC News, “These allegations are deeply troubling and while we gather more information, he has been put on leave and will not be in the classroom. This is a criminal matter and we cannot comment further.”