New Comedy Show “We’re All a Bunch of C*nts” Reminds Us That Feminists Aren’t Funny

Daily Stormer
January 13, 2017

Of course it’s for free, who would pay to watch degenerates make fools of themselves?

I really do wish that all feminists would just sit in a corner and knit hats. If they have to exist, at least do something quiet.

Before Bowery:

Lately, there’s been a widespread and mercilessly drawn-out public debate over what exactly counts as “offensive,” and how that may or may not be something quite separate from old-fashioned hate– you know, the classics, like racism, misogyny, homophobia.

A newish group called Comedy Cunt Collective and the monthly standup and multimedia-art showcase they hold at Bluestockings (the Lower East Side radical bookstore and “activist space”) is a reminder of just how screwy this debate really is.

Their lineups are exclusively made up of “people of color, queer people, people who don’t assign to the [gender] binary,” something that’s highly unusual in an industry that’s overwhelmingly dominated by straight, cisgender white men.

Just having such a diverse lineup is a statement in and of itself. “We’re all a bunch of cunts,” Amanda said. “You can look at the lineup and see, ‘Yeah, guess what? We’re going to have women talking about their periods.’ Because, guess what? Women have periods.

Much like The Experiment Comedy Gallery, this creates a parallel scene for standups from marginalized groups who perform regularly throughout the city’s mainstream comedy club circuit. “We do our best to make it a safe space,” Arti said.

Amanda, who identifies as a “femme-presenting queer woman,” explained, “There are still not many predominantly queer feminist spaces, and until that day comes I’m not going to feel completely comfortable performing in every venue or feel comfortable at every show.

Where to even begin.

Firstly, I’m not sure where they hang out, because majority of the comedians I see advertised are either faggots or feminists. It’s hardly dominated by straight white men.

The comedy scene is unfortunately a highly shitlib one.

Maybe the ones that really stand out are straight white men because they do more than just joke about all their hangups.

The lovely ladies behind this degenerate comedy show

And people don’t think feminists have mental issues? Why then is it that they’re only capable of joking about all the sex (they wish) they’ve had, and their body parts?

And any female who thinks there is a war against menstruation needs psych help.

There’s no way around that.

For Cunt Comedy, a “safe space,” therefore, isn’t about censorship, just the opposite is true– it’s a way to ensure that comedians and artists from marginalized groups have a place where they are guaranteed representation and can feel comfortable speaking and performing as themselves.

Arti recalled that recently, after performing a bit about “dying in my own farts by hotboxing an elevator” a man approached her after the show and told her that she was too “aggressive.” It was bewildering and she felt strange being told by a man that her bit was somehow inappropriate.

I feel like white men take off all their clothes on that stage screaming and everyone calls it hilarious,” she said.

No – standing on stage and thinking it’s funny to get undressed is something a feminist would do.

They’re very good at self reflecting.

But let’s take a look at a highly famous straight male comedian – George Carlin.

Like/agree with him or not, the man did put effort into what he said.

He didn’t just get up on stage and say ‘muh dick’ there was substance to his jokes.

At times yes, he could be very obscene and spurt off generic dribble, later on especially. (That’s personally when I noticed his stand-up quality died a bit. )

And I don’t know why comedians in general who aren’t kikes and are genuinely funny as well as intelligent stoop to genital and bland sex jokes, as I find that form of ‘comedy’ is for simpletons and low-IQ individuals, but for some reason they do.

However, the intelligent comedians do not do this all the time.

Feminist comedians on the other hand, hardly joke about anything that’s smart, witty and/or funny. They’re always complaining. Their jokes are always so obvious, so backed by hatred, paranoia, arrogance etc.

Just imagine a world without subhuman comedians!

Have you seen Amy Schumer do standup? She’s literally like a school teacher.

People pay real money to see this crap

I’m not sure where these victims get the confidence from to display their lack of talent, but just so everybody knows that’s also another sign of being empty-headed.