New Jersey May Legalize Shrooms for “Recreational” Use

There are good libertarian arguments about drugs. For example: it’s simply a fact that 100 years ago, everyone had a bottle of heroin in their medicine cabinet, and yet there weren’t any junkies.

However, that ship has sailed, and due to whatever series of harsh realities, we have a lot of junkies in our society. Therefore, any move to make drugs legal is an attempt to increase use.

Mushrooms are not an addictive drug. They cause hallucinations, without euphoria.

But why would you want more people taking these drugs? What is the purpose?

New York Post:

New Jersey is mulling a law that would make it only the third state to decriminalize so-called “magic mushrooms” — and it may even allow residents grow their own supply right at home.

State lawmakers introduced a bill last week that would allow for the manufacturing and sale of products with psilocybin — the chemical in shrooms that produces the hallucinations — and let anyone over the age of 21 use it without penalty, according to The Record newspaper.

It would also expunge past and pending offenses involving the drug, and let people legally possess up to four grams of psilocybin, the outlet said.

Although several cities — such as Denver, Oakland, Seattle and Detroit — have legalized the drug in recent years, only Oregon and Colorado have moved to decriminalize it statewide.

Although opponents argue legalization will boost drug abuse, the bill has strong backing in the state government’s upper chamber, with Senate President Nick Scutari listed as its sponsor.

Scutari was the original sponsor of the state’s long push to legalize recreational marijuana, which passed in 2021.

The state health department would issue licenses for manufacturing facilities and retailers, as well as testing laboratories, The Record said.

Mushrooms or other psilocybin products would have to be consumed at specific service centers, which would also offer prep sessions, screenings and “administration sessions” that would have employees guide customers through their hallucinogenic episodes, according to the outlet.

The centers wouldn’t be allowed in residential neighborhoods or within 1,000 feet of a school.

The new legalization push comes just as one of the Garden State’s largest health care providers moves forward on plans to use psychedelics to treat depression and other major mental illnesses, the outlet said.

The only logical explanation as to why you would want people doing hallucinogenic drugs is that you want people to be less engaged with the society.

You notice that through all this drug legalization, there is no attempt to decriminalize or legalize cocaine, even though it is much less addictive than marijuana. The reason, presumably, is that cocaine is a “right-wing” drug in that it is associated with people who work a lot, rather than people who lay around watching Netflix.